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The role of the Governor

The Council of Governors are the voice of the community, ensuring that local people have a say in the running of their hospital.

Governors are either elected by members of the Trust or appointed by appropriate stakeholder partners which includes nominated representatives from the Local Authority, University and other partnership organisations.

What is a Governor?

As a Governor you will play a very important role in the Trust. You will act as a link between Foundation Trust members and the Board of Directors. You will represent members and act as an ambassador for both the Trust and the membership. You will help the Trust make sure that the views of members are heard by the Board of Directors.

Overarching general duties:

  1. Representing the interests of members and the public
  2. Holding the Non-Executive Directors to account for the performance of the Board

Governors have a number of statutory duties and responsibilities, which includes -

  • Appoint and, if appropriate, remove the Chair;
  • Appoint and, if appropriate, remove the other non-executive directors;
  • Decide the remuneration and allowances, and the other terms and conditions of office, of the Chair and the other Non-executive Directors;
  • Approve the appointment of the Chief Executive;
  • Appoint and, if appropriate, remove the NHS Foundation Trust’s external auditor; and
  • Receive the NHS Foundation Trust’s Annual Accounts, any report of the Auditor on them and the Annual Report and Quality Report;
  • Jointly approve, with the Board, changes to the Trust’s Constitution.

In addition, in preparing the NHS Foundation Trust’s “Forward Plan”, the Board of Directors must have regard to the views of the Council of Governors.

It should be stressed that governors are not responsible for the day to day management of the Trust and must act in the best interests of the NHS Foundation Trust, adhering to its values and code of conduct at all times.

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