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at York Hospitals


Abstinence from sexual intercourse and masturbation

  • How many days has it been since you last ejaculated - either through sexual intercourse or masturbation? This should be at least a full 48 hours and no longer than 7 days.
  • This is very important to ensure the test results are accurate.
  • If the abstinence period is outside of 2-7 days or this information is not provided, the sample will be rejected.

Coitus interruptus

  • Sexual intercourse in which the penis is withdrawn before ejaculation.


  • A condom is a sheath-shaped barrier device used during sexual intercourse.

  • Condoms should not be used to collect your sample as they are likely to kill the sperm. This means the sperm cannot be appropriately assessed and the whole sample will also not be retrievable.


  • Has the entire semen sample gone into the pot. If any of the sample missed the pot, the sample is incomplete.
  • The whole sample is required to ensure accurate results.
  • Incomplete samples cannot be processed and if this information is unavailable the sample will be rejected.


  • Semen is the whitish fluid containing sperm (plus other substances) that is released during male ejaculation.


  • Any material (e.g. gel, jelly or lotion) designed to reduce friction to aid sexual intercourse or masturbation.
  • These will likely kill the sperm, resulting in an inaccurate assessment. 

Fertility analysis

  • This test will have been requested if you have been trying for a family.
  • This test is also required for a vasectomy reversal.
  • The test will assess how many sperm there are (sperm count), how well they move (motility) and what shape they are (morphology).

Post-vasectomy analysis

  • This test will be requested if you have had a vasectomy (a male sterilisation surgical procedure to cut or seal the tubes that carry a man's sperm to permanently prevent pregnancy).
  • The test will look for any remaining sperm in your sample and whether these are moving.

Room booking 

  • If you are unable to deliver your sample within the necessary timeframe or would prefer to produce your sample on site, you can book to use the dedicated sample production room. This ensures your sample can be processed without unnecessary delay.

Dropping off (samples produced at home)

  • If you can deliver your sample to the hospital within the necessary timeframe, you may prefer to produce your sample at home. It is still essential however to book a time for delivery to ensure that lab staff can process your sample without delay. 

Your questions answered...

Q: Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) - Patients

Why does everything say "Fully booked" or "Not yet available"?

We release appointments on a 2-week rolling basis. For example appointments for 16/10/23 will have been released on 02/10/23. This is to ensure all patients are given a fair chance at booking a time slot. If all dates within the next 2-week time period state fully booked, this means we cannot book any more patients in. We are sorry for the inconvenience, however we have had a large backlog of patients which have accumulated and minimal staffing. Dates that are blank are either within the next two days or are on a weekend. Weekend and bank holiday days are unavailable to book as the laboratory is not open. Please try not to call the laboratory regarding being unable to book online as the telephone line comes through to the scientists who are trying to process samples.

Can I rearrange/cancel my booking?

Yes, the page to do so is found here (Cancel Booking). Cancellations can be done online up 3 days before your appointment. After this time you will need to contact the laboratory on via email or phone ( or 01904 726258) where a member of staff can help you.

What if I turn up early or late for my booking?

Your sample will be rejected if it exceeds an hour from time taken at your appointment time/when the laboratory can process your sample. Other specimens may be being dealt with/expected or staff may be on designated breaks if you arrive outside your appointment time. Therefore your sample may not be able to be processed. Please call the lab on 01904 726258 if you think you may be early or late and we will try our best to accommodate you where possible.

What if I don't make a booking?

Any specimens without bookings will be rejected. If you are having difficulties booking a slot, please keep trying the website as the laboratory may not be able to help via telephone.

What if I fail to turn up?

We urge you not to do this, though we understand it may be inevitable sometimes. If you cannot attend at short notice for any reason, please call the lab on 01904 726258. We are a busy laboratory with minimal staff and Andrology is not our sole investigation.

How do I get my results?

Your results will be sent to your requesting clinician/GP within 7-10 working days. It is outside our scope of practice to give results to patients. If there are any issues obtaining your results, please get your clinician/GP to contact us on 01904 726258 or

How do I get to the accessibility options on the webpage?

Please be aware, accessibility is no longer supported by Internet Explorer. If there are any difficulties, please call the laboratory who will attempt to talk you through how to find the accessibility.

Click on the orange symbol with a person in the centre - bottom right corner.

Computer browser - a black "Reach Deck" banner will appear at the top of the page with multiple icons. Language icon is the google translation symbol and should be the 4th icon from the left.

Phone browser - a black banner will appear at the bottom of the page with 3 icons. Language icon is the middle cog icon.


For patients requiring translation services (including BSL), please contact the laboratory via phone or email prior to your appointment as access to an interpreter via telephone (video call for BSL) can be arranged if notified.


All other definitions/terminology seen on your information sheet/request form can be found here. (Definitions/Terminology)

Information sheets (including some translated versions) can be found here. (Information Sheets)

Q: Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) - Clinicans/GP

How do I check I am giving my patient the correct pot and information sheet?

Toxicity tested pots have an additional white label on them. A visual example of these are found here.

These pots were previously sent out with an information sheet, we now do not send out information sheets.  You should ensure that all old information sheets are disposed of and a new, up to date information sheets are printed and given to patients. Information is reviewed regularly and the latest copy can be found here.

Where do we get the request forms from?

An ICE request form can be generated through the ICE system. Currently, we still require a printed copy to be given to the patient. 

Purple topped Histology/Cytology or a Post Vasectomy forms can also be filled out. Examples of all 3 can be found on the Request Forms tab.

How can we order toxicity tested pots?

You can either email the laboratory or call on 01904 726258.

Where can we find information sheets?

A link to the information sheets can be found in the Information Sheets tab at the top of each website page. They can also be found on the ICE system and on the trust web page.

How can my patients get to the accessibility options on the webpage?

Please be aware, accessibility is no longer supported by Internet Explorer. If there are any difficulties, please call the laboratory who will attempt to talk you through how to find the accessibility.

Click on the orange symbol with a person in the centre - bottom right corner.

Computer browser - a black "Reach Deck" banner will appear at the top of the page with multiple icons. Language icon is the google translation symbol and should be the 4th icon from the left.

Phone browser - a black banner will appear at the bottom of the page with 3 icons. Language icon is the middle cog icon.

For patients requiring translation services (including BSL), please contact the laboratory via phone or email prior to the patients appointment as access to an interpreter via telephone (video call for BSL) can be arranged if notified.

Two female receptionists on the phone at a desk smiling


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Getting help with travel costs

Did you know you may be able to get help with public transport travel costs to your hospital appointments?
Speak to a member of staff or visit the travel page for more information.