Scarborough Urgent and Emergency Care Appeal

With your ongoing support, York & Scarborough Hospitals Charity continues to make a positive difference in your local hospitals. We fund the vital extras to improve healthcare facilities for all who visit or stay in our hospitals or community settings. For patients and visitors, this includes new state of the art facilities and equipment, and improvements to the hospital environment. We also fund wellbeing support, training, and facilities for staff to help them continue to provide the best possible care.

How you can help

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Why we need your help

York & Scarborough Hospitals Charity has already committed £450,000 to the new Scarborough Urgent and Emergency Care Centre. We need your help to raise an additional £400,000 through our Urgent and Emergency Care Appeal to further support the development, including:

Supporting relatives

Two ensuite rooms for relatives within critical care will provide relatives with a place to stay that's close to their family member, rather than in a different part of the hospital. This means nursing staff will be able to reach the family quickly if a patient's condition changes.

A private room for families to be together and say goodbye to loved ones in a calm, dignified way.

Fitting out specialist rooms

A mental health crisis room will give privacy to patients in crisis and provide a safe environment for staff if a patient becomes aggressive. The room will be safe, warm, and calm, with specialist facilities.

A multifunctional room will allow dignity, confidentiality, and privacy for people with disabilities, children, and people with mental health concerns.

Improving the hospital environment

The installation of artwork, which has been specially developed to reduce aggressive behaviour and help with anxiety, and infographics in each area to explain the processes that will happen, providing reassurance.

A ground-floor patient garden, suitable for patients with dementia, will provide an opportunity for fresh air while staying in hospital. The landscaping will be calm and peaceful, offering patients a space to relax.

A first-floor terrace, adjacent to the intensive care unit, will provide an outdoor space for use by our sickest patients and their relatives. Spending time outside can help patients both physically and mentally.

Enhancing staff wellbeing

Two gardens for staff, accessible from the staff rooms, to enjoy a break in a peaceful landscape. Staff will be able to open the doors to the gardens to allow fresh air and natural light, even in poorer weather.