York Hospital
Ward 17
Ward 17 is the main inpatient ward for children at York Hospital. It is located on the second floor of junction 8.
The ward looks after children who are acutely ill as well as those who have been admitted for an elective procedure (operation or test).
For more information about Ward 17 and what you or your child should expect click here.
Child Assessment Unit/ Ward 18
During the week children referred to York Hospital for urgent medical care or review are seen on the Child Assessment Unit (CAU) or Ward 18.
The Ward is located on the second floor of junction 8 of York Hospital.
Children who need routine bloods come to the unit on a Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday or Thursday morning. These are organised by doctors and the family will receive a letter with the results.
For more information about Ward 18 and what you or your child should expect click here.
Getting to York Hospital
For further details about how to get to York Hospital click here.