Your Child's Hospital Journey
CDC - Neurodisability
The children’s development centre provides services for children and young people with developmental delay, learning disabilities, physical difficulties and problems with speech and language development. We have a multi-disciplinary team of doctors, nurses and therapists who work together to help children make the most of their abilities and develop new skills. We look after children and young people form birth to the age of 18 or 19.
Services are provided at:
- The York Hospital
- Scarborough General Hospital
- Malton Community Hospital
- The New Selby War Memorial Hospital
- Out in the community
The CDC in York is situated at the front of the hospital and has it’s own entrance, opposite the multi-storey car park.
Children are referred into the service by GPs. The service is comprised of Paediatricians, specialist nurses, therapists including physiotherapists, occupational therapists and speech and language therapists; as well as play therapists, health care assistants and receptionists.
Key Contact
Contact paediatric secretaries at -
Useful websites and links
Contact CANDI (Children and Inclusion) for more details about support for children with disabilities in York