Maternity wards (G2 and Hawthorn)
Visiting for partners or a designated person is between 8 am and 8 pm.
Two visitors for a patient at one time, please.
Partners or family may stay until mother and baby are settled for the night. Unfortunately, we do not have facilities for partners or family to stay overnight on the ward.
Our visiting times for other family is 3 pm to 4.30 pm and 7 pm to 8 pm. We ask that this is not more than two visitors at a time in addition to the partner/designated person.
Special Care Baby Unit (SCBU)
Parents/guardians and siblings of the baby are welcome to visit at any time. Please follow hand hygiene rules and mask-wearing advice when visiting SCBU.
If other people would like to visit, this needs to be discussed with the nurse in charge.
Intensive Care Unit (ICU)
Parents and siblings of the baby are welcome to visit.
Please follow hand hygiene rules and mask-wearing advice when visiting the ICU.
If more visitors would like to visit, this should be discussed with the nurse in charge.
Children’s wards
Visiting on the children’s ward is open 24 hours a day for parents and carers.
For other family and friends, visiting times are 2 pm - 8 pm and there can be only four visitors to a patient.
Visitors under the age of 18 years must be accompanied by an adult and always supervised.
Emergency Departments (EDs and A&E)
The rules for the emergency department (ED or A&E) are different. There are no visiting hours for ED because they are very busy and often have very poorly patients needing urgent and emergency care so visiting friends and family is discouraged.
People coming to ED for treatment may have one family member/friend accompany them (unless reasonable adjustments are required e.g. to minimise distress or support communications, please talk to the nurse in charge). If the patient is a child under 16yrs both parents can accompany them.