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Information and communication


We always ask for your consent prior to treatment which will include an explanation of what is proposed and the risks, benefits and any alternatives. If you have any concerns please direct these to a member of staff in the area you are receiving treatment.

Next of kin

While you are in hospital we may need to communicate with your family/friends. We will need to know your next of kin or main contact to speak to about your care. If there is anyone you would like us to contact please let us know.


A ReSPECT form (Recommended Summary Plan for Emergency Care and Treatment) can be used to record your wishes and preferences so that in the event of an emergency, those looking after you can make decisions about your care that reflect your personal wishes.

As part of a ReSPECT discussion, cardio-pulmonary resuscitation (CPR) will be discussed. You can be for CPR and still have a ReSPECT form. However, they are often completed for those patients where CPR is not appropriate, or against their wishes.

Click here for more information on ReSPECT.


Your doctor and other health professionals caring for you keep records about your health and any treatment you receive from the NHS. These records may be written down or held on computer. Full and accurate records are needed to assess your health and decide what care you need. They enable us to assess the quality of care you have received, and to investigate any concerns you may have. Your details are also needed to contact you about appointments and arrange health checks.

Where necessary to provide you with the health care you need, your doctor will share information about you with other professionals involved in your treatment. Increasingly this is achieved by use of information technology.

Your records will also be used for wider NHS purposes, such as:

  • to secure payment for the treatments you have received
  • to measure our performance against targets
  • to audit our compliance with regulations and standards
  • for teaching, training and research purposes.

We will only ever use your information as required or permitted by law, and wherever possible we will remove any identifying details (such as your name, address and NHS number) before using your information for these secondary purposes.

You have the right to object to some uses of your personal information and we will seek to respect your wishes in these circumstances.

More details are available about the sort of information we collect, how it is used and how it is stored in our privacy notice.

Understanding Patient Data has produced a series of animations to explain how data saves lives. Following the journeys of patients with cancer, a heart attack, diabetes, dementia and asthma, they show the huge range of ways data is used to improve care, and the safeguards that are in place to protect confidentiality.

Your patient records

You have a right to access your health records. How to access your medical records.

Copying letters to patients

After your visit, in most cases, the consultant or healthcare professional will write a letter to your GP. If you would like a copy of these letters then please inform your consultant or healthcare professional at your appointment.

Language and interpretation

For patients who don’t speak English we have a telephone based translation and interpretation service and all of our patient information is available in different formats, including large print and Braille.  Our website can also be translated, using the translate feature.

British Sign Language users can contact us on-demand, seven days a week, using a BSL video interpreter. Click here for more information about the video interpreter service.

York Hospital's car park.

Getting here

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Getting help with travel costs

Did you know you may be able to get help with public transport travel costs to your hospital appointments?
Speak to a member of staff or visit the travel page for more information.