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York Hospital Radio

During your stay, why not listen to York Hospital Radio, broadcasting 24 hours a day, seven days a week, offering music from across the decades, chat, special guests, commentaries on York City home games, and lots of information to help you during your stay?

To listen, sign in to the hospital Wi-Fi, and download the York Hospital Radio free app from your app store, and listen on your smartphone or tablet.  You can also listen online at York Hospital Radio.

Just go to the home page, and click on the Listen Live logo.

When you get back home, you can still listen via the free app; online; via your smart speaker - just ask it to play York Hospital Radio; or on DAB in the York area - again, just search for York Hospital Radio.

York Hospital Radio 60th Birrthday 2  York Hospital Radio_60th Birthday

York Hospital Radio_Ian Clennan              York Hospital Radio_logo

York Hospital's car park.

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