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Our services

Head and neck cancer

Who are we?

We are a team of nurses who specialise in the care and support of people with a suspected or diagnosed Head, Neck & Thyroid cancer. This may include cancers of the mouth, lip or tongue (oral cancers) or the upper parts of the throat (larynx and pharynx) and salivary gland, nose, sinuses, and the middle ear, thyroid.

How can you contact us?

We are based at York Hospital and our working hours are 8am - 4pm each Mon - Fri (excluding bank holidays). If you wish to call us we can be contacted on 01904 726063. We have a voicemail facility if you wish to leave a message, which we check regularly and aim to return your call within 24 hours

Internal hospital signage with arrows to Main Reception, Outpatients and Pharmacy

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Our Trust is asking visitors to help protect patients from highly contagious winter infections by not visiting friends and relatives in hospital, when they have been unwell or in close contact with someone with flu or norovirus.  Full details here.