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Visiting critical care

Visiting Critical Care can often feel like an overwhelming place, so it can help to know a little about what to expect:

  • Visiting hours are 2-8pm, although family and friends are welcome to telephone at any time: 01904 726040 (York) or 01723 342141 (Scarborough).
  • The number of visitors allowed around a bed is limited to two for safety reasons.
  • There are waiting areas for use by visitors to the unit; in addition, there are drinks machines and toilet facilities.
  • There is an overnight stay room with shower facilities for use for one or two nights when required.
  • To reduce the risk of spreading infection, visitors are asked to clean their hands when entering and leaving the unit.  Please avoid visiting if you are ill.

The person you are visiting may be drowsy and seem confused.  They may also appear slightly swollen or have injuries such as bruises or wounds.  This can be upsetting to see, but our staff will ensure they are as comfortable as possible.

You will usually be free to touch, comfort and talk to the person.  It may help them to hear and recognise familiar voices, even if they do not appear to respond.  You might want to tell them about your day, or read them a book or newspaper. 

We keep a diary for patients if they have been with us for longer than three days, which can help them understand what has happened and who came to visit.  Families are asked to contribute to this diary.



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Information for visitors

Norovirus is highly infectious and can spread easily

Please do not visit our hospitals if you or a member of your household has had nausea, diarrhoea, or vomiting within the last 48 hours. This is to prevent the spread of norovirus in our hospitals.

See more information on norovirus