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Posted: Sat 7 Feb 2015 @ 03:00 by victor

Posted: Sat 7 Feb 2015 @ 03:00 by victor 

After almost 30years of type2 diabetes my Hba1c test result always encourage me to keep my number under control, but humanly after about two weeks my discipline wears out and back on high numbers. Is it not a good idea that this ALL IMPORTANT HbA1C test be weekly or bi-monthly wakeup ALARM reminding us we are getting out of control. Is it not rather better than the daily pricking of blood from our fingers which not only depresses us but also becoming unpopular. 

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Last edited by victor on 7 Feb 2015 - edited 1 time total

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Posted: Sun 8 Feb 2015 @ 11:46 by

Not a bad suggestion. The technical limitation is that HbA1c changes slowly and reflects average diabetes control over a 6 to 12 week period. So really the earliest one should repeat this test is 6 weeks and the most useful will be 3 months after the last test. It also costs about £10 pounds per test so if it not producing a reliable check then no point in wasting the resource. For day to day monitoring, painful as it is, finger prick testing is more useful. If you want to know who should be testing please check the ‘who to test, when to test’ section in the website. It is in the professional section under the blood glucose meters-guide. Hope this helps.

Last edited by on 8 Feb 2015 - edited 1 time total

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Posted: Sun 8 Feb 2015 @ 17:56 by victor

Its good to know that my suggestion is desirable. The next thing is for researchers to start putting their research on how to develop weekly text technics that would give accurate weekly readings. It may in the long run be the beginning of cost-effective diabetes management to all stakeholders including manufacturers, NHS and patients.

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