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Our services

Outpatient clinics

On your first visit to an IBD clinic, you will be seen by one of the consultants or by the IBD nurses in one of their clinics, if you have had an endoscopy then you may have already had a brief telephone discussion with one of the IBD nurses about your diagnosis.

All of the clinics are held in the main outpatient department either on the first or second floor.  Therefore, it is important that you always “book-in” at the main outpatient desk so you can be directed to the appropriate waiting area.  When you book in at the main desk this will alert the clinician running the clinic that you have arrived for your appointment.

 Monday Dr Turvill
Dr Kelly
Dr Robins
Dr Forrester
Lisa Rook, IBD Nurse

Maxine Rawle, IBD Nurse

 Maxine Rawle, IBD Nurse

Dr Robins

Lisa Rook, IBD Nurse

Maxine Rawle, IBD Nurse
Lisa Rook, IBD Nurse

Maxine Rawle, IBD Nurse

Telephone clinic between 17.00-19.00
 Wednesday Dr Turvill
Dr Forrester
Lisa Rook-IBD Nurse
Dr Kelly
Dr Forrester
Lisa Rook, IBD Nurse
 Thursday Dr Robins
Dr Smale
Dr Phillips
 Dr Kant
 Friday Dr Kant
Maxine Rawle, IBD Nurse


Telephone clinic

As IBD is a long-term disease, there may come a time when your condition is so stable that you might not need routine appointments at the hospital.  It may be appropriate for you to go onto the telephone clinic.  The IBD nurse will phone you at a pre-arranged time to review your condition.  

This service is also offered to patients starting on new medications of having a flare so they don’t have to visit the hospital on a weekly of fortnightly basis.

Adolescent transition and young persons clinic

These clinics are for young people who have either been under the care of the paediatricians or newly diagnosed with IBD.  The transition clinics are held every 6 months and the young person is seen by Dr Philips (Consultant Gastroenterologist), a Paediatrician and an IBD Nurse Specialist. The Young Persons clinic is also held every 6 months and held by Dr Philips and an IBD Nurse.

Moving from paediatric to adult care can be a difficult time – as a  child your parents or guardian are responsible for your care, as an adolescent you have to learn to take on that responsibility yourself. This clinic is the first stage in that process.

Pre-conception and pregnancy clinic

This clinic has been developed especially to help with education regarding the effects of medications on fertility, pregnancy and breast feeding; along with monitoring and management of disease during pre-conception, pregnancy, and post-partum.

Follow up appointments

After your appointment you will be offered a subsequent appointment to be seen again either by your consultant, the specialist nurses or by another member of the allied health professional team.

If you need to change your appointment this can be done via the contact centre on 01904 726400.

If you need to change your appointment this can be done via the contact centre on 01904 726400.

Looking down a long bright hospital corridor with treatment rooms on the left and windows on the right. At the bottom of the corridor is one member of staff in a blue nursing uniform

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