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Laboratory Medicine

Test Directory / Antibody Titre / quantitation

Antibody Titre / quantitation


TestAntibody Titre / quantitation
Common Abbreviations
Specimen typeBlood
Sample typeBlood
Tube typeEDTA X 3
Minimum volume *3 X 4.9 ml (3 X 4.9ml for anti-D or C)
Special precautions
Stability**up to 7 days
Turnaround timesWithin 72 hours
LaboratoryNHSBT Barnsley / Newcastle
Reference interval
LimitationsIf anti-D or anti-C is present the specimens will be referred to NBS, Leeds for quantification Haemolysis and lipaemia may affect results
** For paediatric patients, smaller volumes (approximately 1 ml) are acceptable – please contact the laboratory for further advice if necessary.
**** Largely dependent on patients serological status and recent transfusion history
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