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Laboratory Medicine

Test Directory / Follicle Stimulating Hormone

Follicle Stimulating Hormone

Brown clotted serum, gel barrier

TestFollicle Stimulating Hormone
Common AbbreviationsFSH
Tube typeBrown clotted serum, gel barrier
Clinical IndicationFSH is often used in conjunction with other tests (LH, testosterone, oestradiol, and progesterone) in the investigation of infertility in both men and women. FSH levels are also useful in the investigation of menstrual irregularities (irregular periods) and to aid in the diagnosis of pituitary gland disorders. In children, FSH and LH are used to diagnose delayed or precocious (early) puberty and investigate problems with growth.
Specimen TypeBlood
Sample typeSerum
Minimum Volume0.5mL If requesting more than 10 tests please send an additional brown clotted serum sample.
Special PrecautionsNo special requirements
Stability5 days at 20 - 25°C, 14 days at 2 - 8°C and 6 months at -20°C
Turnaround TimeInpatient: 24 hours Outpatient/ GP: 24 hours
LaboratoryYork and Scarborough
Reference IntervalFemales: 1 - 10 years: < or equal to 6.0 IU/L (Clinical Biochemistry 2010; 43: 1045 – 1050) Follicular: 3.5 - 12.5 IU/L Ovulation: 4.7 - 21.5 IU/L Luteal: 1.7 - 7.7 IU/L Post-menopausal: 25.8 - 134.8 IU/L (Quoted by the manufacturer) Males: 1 - 5 years: < or equal to 1.9 IU/L 6 - 10 years: < or equal to 2.3 IU/L 11 - 15 years: < and equal to 6.9 IU/L 16 - 20 years: < or equal to 9.7 IU/L (Clinical Biochemistry 2010; 43: 1045 – 1050), 1.5 - 12.4 IU/L (Quoted by the manufacturer)
LimitationsAnalysis should not be performed on haemolysed, icteric or lipaemic samples. The assay is unaffected by biotin 1200 ng/mL. No interference was observed from rheumatoid factors up to a concentration of 1200 IU/mL. In vitro tests were performed on 16 commonly used pharmaceuticals. No interference with the assay was found. In rare cases, interference due to extremely high titres of antibodies to analyte specific antibodies, streptavidin or ruthenium can occur.
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