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Laboratory Medicine

Test Directory / Glucose


Fluoride Oxalate

Common AbbreviationsRGLU, FGLU, GLU
Tube typefluoride EDTA
Clinical IndicationBlood glucose measurement is most commonly used as a screening test for diabetes mellitus. It may also be performed to evaluate carbohydrate metabolism in conditions such as acute hepatitis, pancreatitis and Addison’s disease. Blood glucose levles may also be measured when hypoglycaemia is suspected. Hypoglycaemia can be caused by exogenous insulin, neonatal respiratory distress, toxaemia of pregnancy, congenital enzyme defects, Reyes syndrome, alcohol ingestion, hepatic dysfunction, insulinoma, septicaemia and chronic renal failure.
Specimen TypeBlood
Sample typePlasma
Minimum Volume1mL
Special PrecautionsFasting sample preferred
StabilityPlasma: 3 days at 20-25C and 7 days at 2-8°C
Turnaround TimeUrgent: 2 hours Inpatient: 4 hours Outpatient/ GP: 24 hours
LaboratoryYork and Scarborough
Reference IntervalFasting: 2.5-6.0 mmol/L Please refer to WHO criteria
LimitationsGrossly lipaemic or haemolysed samples are not suitable for analysis. In very rare cases gammopathy, especially monoclonal IgM (Waldenstrom’s macroglobulinaemia), may cause unreliable results.
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