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Laboratory Medicine

Test Directory / Immunoglobulins


Brown clotted serum, gel barrier or lithium heparin

Common AbbreviationsIgA / IgG / IgM
Tube typeBrown clotted serum, gel barrier or lithium heparin
Clinical IndicationChanges in immunoglobulin concentrations can be classified as hypogammaglobulinaemias (e.g. in autoimmune disorders such as SCID), polyclonal gammopathies (e.g. autoimmune disease, chronic liver disease or infection) and monoclonal gammopathies (e.g. in multiple myeloma or Waldenstrom's macroglobulinaemia).
Specimen TypeBlood
Sample typeSerum or plasma
Minimum Volume0.5mL If requesting more than 10 tests please send an additional brown clotted serum sample.
Special PrecautionsNo special requirements
Stability2 months at15-25°C and 4 months at 2-8°C
Turnaround TimeInpatient: 6 hours Outpatient/ GP: 24 hours
LaboratoryYork and Scarborough
Reference IntervalIgM: 6 years to 45 years: 0.5-1.9g/L >45 years = 0.5-2.0g/L IgG: Adults: 6-16g/L IgA: <45 years = 0.8-2.8g/L >45 years = 0.8-4.0g/L
LimitationsThe assay has been optimised to reduce the risk of prozone occurrence in the presence of abnormally high immunoglobulin concentrations. Patients with suspected paraproteinaemia should also be tested by electrophoresis. Samples with very high IgM concentrations (>100g/l polyclonal) can generate falsely low results due to excess antigen in the sample. Samples with extremely abnormal optical characteristics, especially turbidity, may produce atypical results.
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