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Laboratory Medicine

Test Directory / Urine Magnesium

Urine Magnesium

Acidified 24 hour urine container

TestUrine Magnesium
Common AbbreviationsUMAG
Tube typeAcidified 24 hour urine container
Clinical IndicationMeasurement can be useful in the diagnosis and investigation of magnesium deficiency. Low urine magnesium levels may result from decreased renal excretion e.g. dehydration or reduced magnesium intake e.g. malnutrition/ malabsorption. Increased urine magnesium may be seen in hyperaldosteronis, drug therapy (e.g. cisplatin), osmotic diuresis and chronic glomerulonephritis. The detection of significant urine magnesium in the presence of a low serum magnesium suggests renal loss as the cause of hypomagnesaaemia.
Specimen TypeUrine
Sample typeAcidified 24 hour urine
Minimum VolumeNA
Special PrecautionsNo special requirements
StabilityAcidified urine: 3 days at 4-8°C and 1 year at -20°C
Turnaround TimeInpatient: 6 hours Outpatient/ GP: 24 hours
LaboratoryYork and Scarborough
Reference Interval2.4 - 6.5 mmol/24hours (Recommended by the Pathology Harmonisation Reference Group)
LimitationsUrine studies show less than 10% interference for up to 10 mmol/L of urine calcium
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