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Laboratory Medicine

Test Directory / Alpha 2 plasmin

Alpha 2 plasmin

Citrate Plasma

TestAlpha 2 plasmin
Common Abbreviations
Clinical IndicationAlpha 2-antiplasmin (or ?2-antiplasmin or plasmin inhibitor) is a serine protease inhibitor (serpin) responsible for inactivating plasmin. Plasmin is an important enzyme that participates in fibrinolysis and degradation of various other proteins.As plasmin degrades blood clots, impaired inhibition of plasmin leads to a bleeding tendency.
Specimen TypeBlood
Sample TypeCitrate Plasma
Minimum Volume2 x 3 mL (adult) 2 x 1 mL (paed) (citrated plasma must be filled to bottle line)
Special PrecautionsPlease discuss with Consultant Haematologists in the first instance
Stability4-6 hours
Turnaround Time10 days
LaboratorySLM Haematology Laboratory Leeds St James University Hospital
Reference IntervalReference range printed on final report.
LimitationsSamples must be processed within 6 hrs of being taken
Additional Information
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