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Laboratory Medicine

Test Directory / Factor V Leiden

Factor V Leiden

Citrated Plasma

TestFactor V Leiden
Common AbbreviationsFVL, F2G, FII G20201A
ProfileThrombophilia Screen Antithrombin (AT), Protein C (PC), Protein S (PS) Thrombin Time (TT), Factor V Leiden (FVL), Prothrombin Gene Mutation (F2G), Lupus Inhibitor (LIS), Anticardiolipin (ACA), Coagulation Screen (CLS)
Clinical IndicationUsed in conjuction with other tests (within the thrombophilia screen) to screen for underlying causes of venous thromboembolism (VTE).
Specimen TypeBlood
Sample TypeCitrated Plasma & Brown clotted serum, gel barrier
Minimum Volume1 x 3mL (adult) 1 x 1mL (paed) (Thrombophlia Screen requires:3 x 3mL (adult) 4 x 1mL (paed) and 1 x brown serum for ACA (citrated plasma must be filled to bottle line)
Special PrecautionsTest not suitable if on Heparin
Turnaround Time4 weeks
LaboratoryYork Hospital
Reference IntervalQualitative
LimitationsTest not suitable if on Heparin
Additional Information
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