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Laboratory Medicine

Test Directory / Hb F assay

Hb F assay


TestHb F assay
Common Abbreviationshplc, hbF, hgp
ProfileIncluded as part of a Haemoglobinopathy Screen
Clinical IndicationHb F is the predominant type of haemoglobin found in the foetal and neonatal period.Hb F level monitoring in drug treatment or diagnosis of haemoglobinopathies
Specimen TypeBlood
Sample TypeEDTA
Minimum Volume1 x 3 mL (adult) 2 x 0.5 mL (paed) (can be shared with a FBC sample)
Special PrecautionsPlease state ethnic origin if known
Turnaround Time3 days
LaboratoryYork Hospital
Reference Interval0.2 - 1.0 %
LimitationsFor identification of abnormal haemoglobins at least more than one technique is required for differential diagnosis
Additional Information
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