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Laboratory Medicine

Test Directory / Extractable nuclear antigen screen and profile

Extractable nuclear antigen screen and profile

Brown clotted serum, gel barrier

TestExtractable nuclear antigen screen and profile
Common AbbreviationsENA / ENAS
ProfilePerformed if ANA is positive, or disease specific antigens requested. Please note: if Myositis is suspected, please request myositis screen.
Clinical IndicationExtractaclbe Nuclear antigens are associated with connective tissue diseases
Specimen TypeBlood
Sample TypeSerum
Minimum Volume5 ml
Special PrecautionsNo special requirements
StabilityNo laboratory stability studies available. Antibodies in serum are typically stable for at least 7 days when stored between 2-8 degrees
Turnaround Time7 days
LaboratoryHull Royal Infirmary, Anlaby Road, Hull HU3 2JZ
Reference IntervalSee Service move to Hull 6/3/2023 document found in advice for requestor-Immunology
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