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Laboratory Medicine

Test Directory / Phospholipase A2 Antibody

Phospholipase A2 Antibody

Brown clotted serum, gel barrier

TestPhospholipase A2 Antibody
Common AbbreviationsPLA2R MPLA2R
Clinical IndicationMembranous glomerulonephritis presents with nephrotic syndrome or proteinuria and is identified on renal biopsy by epithelial IgG and C3 deposition. APLA2R antibody measurement may have a role in identifying primary from secondary membranous nephropathy and also in disease monitoring. However they should not be viewed as a replacemant for renal biopsy in the investigation of patients presenting with nephrotic syndrome.
Specimen TypeBlood
Sample TypeSerum
Minimum Volume2 mL
Special PrecautionsNo special requirements
StabilityContact Referral Laboratory
Turnaround Time3 weeks
LaboratoryImmunology Department, Northern General Hospital, Sheffield
Reference IntervalContact Referral Laboratory
LimitationsContact Referral Laboratory
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