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Antibiotic Assay Bloods

The following information must be provided for any clotted blood samples (brown tube) sent for an antibiotic assay:

  • Dose regime (size of dose and frequency)
  • Time of last dose
  • Nature of sample i.e. pre dose/post dose/post single daily dose/pre dialysis aminoglycoside therapy
  • For single daily dose aminoglycoside therapy the time after the dose at which the blood was drawn must be provided

The most common assays are for gentamicin, tobramycin and vancomycin although others are occasionally done. If this information is missing the performance of the test will be delayed until the information can be obtained, from the requester. If the information cannot be obtained then the requester will be asked to repeat the test.

Responsibility for completing these requests lies with the medical staff responsible for the patient and the phlebotomists should not be asked to take these samples.

Web Page 30 Reviewed 28/06/2019

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