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Literature search request form

We aim to acknowledge your request as soon as possible and will agree a timescale for your results to be returned to you.  We will always prioritise urgent patient care requests but outside of this, you will need to allow us at least a week from acknowledgement. 

Please note, we cannot carry out searches for academic course work or study but we are happy to offer you guidance.

Employee details



Job title*


Staff group*

If 'other' please state

Email address*


Contact number*

Search request details

What information do you require?*

Are you interested in a particular patient group/population/age/gender/disease? Please list any words or alternative clinical terminology associated with this subject

Further information

If you have any further information e.g. database(s) required/how comprehensive the search needs to be or guidelines/evidence based reviews only, please use this space to provide such information

Date needed by*

Delivery method (information will be emailed unless indicated otherwise)

How will the results be used?


If you wish to discuss your search please contact

Please tick if you would be interested in a training session on how to access e-journals or search databases?

Email 2*:

* required fields

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