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Our services

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Our neurosciences team provides a range of general and specialist clinical services.

The Neurology team is made up of eight consultant neurologists, junior doctors, and a specialist registrar, who may conduct your consultation or treatment. You may be seen by other members of the team including physiotherapists, occupational therapists, psychologists, clinical physiologists, speech and language therapists, and dieticians.

Our specialist nurses assess and monitor patients on a range of drug therapies and provide expert advice and information on neurological conditions.


The Neurosciences unit is situated at Junction 2 on the ground floor of York Hospital.

Patient information leaflets

You can find more information regarding your appointments on our patient information page.

Clinical neurophysiology opening hours

  • Department: Monday to Friday 8.30 am to 4.00 pm.
  • EEG/EP clinic appointments: Monday to Friday 9.00 am to 3.30 pm.
  • EMG/NCS outpatient clinics in York: Mondays, Wednesdays and Thursdays.
  • Video-Telemetry EEG patients are admitted onto ward 32 for inpatient monitoring.

Our services

Epilepsy nurse

Patients with an epilepsy diagnosis and under a York neurologist are eligible for our nurse-led clinics. These clinics are held morning and afternoon, four days per week. Clinics are held at Scarborough, Selby, and by telephone. If necessary, home visits can be arranged.

A joint learning disability clinic is held every two months with community learning disability nurses.

Headache nurse

We provide treatment, management, and education for people suffering from all types of headache.

We run six Botulinum Toxin clinics and six follow-up clinics per week, including a mixture of telephone and face to face appointments.

Neurosciences physiotherapy

We provide physiotherapy advice and treatment for people aged 16 and over, with any neurological condition. This doesn’t include stroke patients, who are seen by another specialist physiotherapy team.

We assess patients individually, then develop a problem list, specific treatment programme (including advice on managing their condition, if appropriate), and joint goals. 

Click here for more information on physiotherapy services.

Neurosciences occupational therapy

Our neurosciences occupational therapy team provides specialist assessment and treatment for patients with a neurological condition. This doesn’t include stroke patients, who are seen by another specialist physiotherapy team.

Occupational therapy aims to maximise patients’ ability to carry out everyday tasks, such as getting washed and dressed, making meals, leisure activities, and getting to and from work.

Click here for more information on occupational therapy services.

The York Tuberous Sclerosis (TSC) Clinic

We run a multi-disciplinary clinic with a core team of consultants, including:

  • Dr Clare Johnston, Neurologist
  • Dr Colin Jones, Renal Consultant
  • Dr Keith Wu, Dermatologist
  • Dr Howard Wong, Neurologist
  • Kym Brown, Advanced Epilepsy Specialist Nurse
  • Charlotte Wilcock, Neurology Co-ordinator

We have access to support from diverse specialities such as interventional radiology, eye clinic, psychiatry, and learning disability services, and consult outside the Trust with clinical genetics and neurosurgery when needed.

The clinic now forms one of a small number of regional referral centres, recognised nationally by NHS England and approved to prescribe Everolimus in TSC. Clinics take place approximately six times per year and we see patients from across the region, covering North, East and West Yorkshire.

Our teams


Dr Clare Johnston (Clinical Lead)

Consultant Neurologist

Special interest :Epilepsy, Tuberous Sclerosis


Tel: 01904 725754

Dr Howard Wong

Consultant Neurologist

Special interest: Tuberous Sclerosis


Tel: 01904 725754

Dr Malcolm Proudfoot

Consultant Neurologist

Special interest: Motor Neurone Disease


Tel: 01904 725754

Dr Phil Duffey

Consultant Neurologist

Special interest: Movement Disorders, Botulinum Toxin Therapy


Tel: 01904 725755

Dr Sayan Datta

Consultant Neurologist

Special interest: Epilepsy


Tel: 01904 725755

Dr Fan Cheng

Consultant Neurologist

Special interest: Movement Disorders, Botulinum Toxin Therapy and Headaches


Tel: 01904 725755

Dr Tom Button

Consultant Neurologist

Special interest: Multiple Sclerosis


Tel: 01904 725602

Dr Chisha Weerasinghe

Consultant Neurologist

Special interest: Headache


Tel: 01904 725602

Dr Jyotirmoy Pal

Consultant Clinical Neurophysiologist

Special interest: Epilepsy, Peripheral nerve muscle disorder, Visual Electro-diagnosis


Tel: 01904 725667

Dr Stephen Evans

Consultant Neuropsychologist


Tel: 01904 725353

Administrative staff

Clinic Co-ordinator/Team Leader

Tel: 01904 725741

Receptionist/Clerical Officer

Tel: 01904 725751

Specialist nurses

Epilepsy Nurses

Tel: 01904 725742  / 721864

Headache Nurse

Tel: 01904 725741 / 725743

Multiple Sclerosis Nurse

Tel: 01904 725748

Motor Neurone Disease Nurse

Tel: 01904 721974

Parkinson’s Nurse

Tel: 01904 721061

Allied health professionals/Supporting therapies


Tel: 01904 721547

Occupational Therapy

Tel: 01904 721547


Tel: 01904 725353


Tel: 01904 725667

Speech and Language Therapy

Tel: 01904 725768

Useful links

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Getting help with travel costs

Did you know you may be able to get help with public transport travel costs to your hospital appointments?
Speak to a member of staff or visit the travel page for more information.