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Sterile services

The Sterile Services Unit based at Scarborough Hospital provides an inhouse surgical instrument decontamination service for York Teaching Hospital NHS Foundation Trust.

The unit decontaminates and sterilises theatre trays, procedure packs, dressing and other instruments for the Trust.

A modern, state-of-the-art,decontamination facility it also provides a decontamination service to the wider NHS community in North Yorkshire.

The department complies with the requirements of ISO13485:2003 and is registered with the MHRA for compliance with Medical Devices Directive/93/42/EEC.

How it works

Decontamination involves several processes including cleaning, disinfection and sterilisation which will enables reusable surgical instruments safe for further use on patients.

All instruments are cleaned and disinfected in fully automated Washer Disinfectors, providing consistently high levels of decontamination. All instruments are individually checked by qualified technicians, assembled and packed before been sterilised by steam at 134°C in high temperature porous load autoclaves.

The decontamination process is fully computer controlled and each instrument set is tracked providing full patient traceability.


Name Title  Contact 
Richard Morris  Directorate Manager, Director of Anaesthetics, theatres and critical care   01904 725537
Vincent North  Sterile Services Production Manager  01904 725537 
Tracey Galloway  Clerical Officer  01904 725503 

Useful links

Institute of Decontamination Sciences

The Sterile Services Unit based at Scarborough Hospital provides an inhouse surgical instrument decontamination service.

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