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Our services

North Yorkshire tuberculosis (TB) nursing service

The North Yorkshire Tuberculosis Nursing Service is a small, friendly team based in York covering the whole of North Yorkshire.  The service is delivered by Harrogate and District NHS Foundation Trust

We support patients undergoing treatment for active tuberculosis (TB) and latent TB infection (LTBI).

We offer screening to:

  • People who have been in contact with a person diagnosed with TB.
  • People who have arrived in the UK from a country where TB is common in the last five years.
  • We offer BCG vaccination to children over the age of one year, if vaccination was missed at birth.

We'll contact you if you have been recently diagnosed with active TB or latent TB infection.  We will telephone or write to you to invite you to be screened if you have been identified as a contact of TB or if we have received your details as a new GP registrant.  We accept referrals from any route, including via GPs.

If you are concerned about active TB or latent TB infection or you wish to discuss anything related to TB, TB screening or the BCG vaccination please contact the team directly and we would be very happy to talk to you.

Contact us

Call: 01423 555734


Working hours: Monday to Friday 9:00am - 5:00pm

Online appointments via 'Attend Anywhere' coming soon.

Patient resources

Active TB:

Latent TB and screening

BCG vaccination

Useful links

Active and Latent TB

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The emergency departments at York and Scarborough hospitals are under extreme pressure

Please help us prioritise our most unwell patients by choosing the right service for your symptoms. Only attend in a life-threatening or emergency situation. Find the right help for your symptoms at