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Full-time consultant cardiologists

  • Dr Maurice Pye, Lead Clinician - Interests Intervention and Imaging
  • Dr Rob Crook - Interest in Intervention
  • Dr Simon Megarry - Interest in Heart Failure and Cardiac Rehab
  • Dr Nigel Durham - Interest in Intervention
  • Dr Sanjay Gupta - Interest in Imaging

 Part-time consultants

  • Dr Gordon Williams - Interest in Echocardiography)
  • Dr Chris Gale - Interest in Academic Cardiology and Heart Failure)

There are also currently two full time Cardiology SpRs (increasing to three in August 2013), two F1doctors, and two CMT doctors.

Approximate numbers of technical procedures

  • 6,500 Echocardiograms
  • 500 Stress echocardiograms
  • 50 Trans oesophageal echocardiograms
  • 1,000 Exercise Stress ECG Tests
  • 2,500 loop recorder monitors, ambulatory ECG tapes, 24 hr BP, pulse oximeters, cardio memos
  • 1,500 Pulmonary function tests
  • 3,500 pacing follow up - brady, biV, ICD


In one dedicated cardiac catheter angiography suite (GE Flat Plate) we performed in a year:

  • 350 Percutaneous Coronary Interventions /pressure wires or IVUS
  • 200 Bradycardic Pacemakers
  • 1,100 diagnostic coronary angiograms, right and left heart catheters
  • Approximately 80 percent of procedures from radial artery approach.

Percutaneous Coronary Intervention (PCI), commonly known as a coronary angioplasty, is a procedure used to treat the stenotic (narrowed) or obstructed coronary arteries of the heart found in coronary heart disease.

We have run a very successful PCI service on site for over two years for all elective and non STEMI patients. All STEMI patients are at present transferred to Leeds General Infirmary (LGI) for primary PCI – (where the three cardiologists Drs Pye, Crook and Durham take part in the Regional Primary PCI rota).

We plan to develop the York intervention service further over the next 12 months with our integration with Scarborough Hospital as a joint Trust. This will include:

  • Setting up a second dedicated coronary angiography suite
  • An increase in PCI to > 500 plus cases per year
  • Starting a coronary rotablation service
  • Appointment of a consultant with Interest in Devices to start Biventricular and ICD implants on site.


The department runs a high quality Echocardiography imaging service with all modalities (TTE, TOE, Strees ECHO and paediatric ECHO).

This is run by Dr Sanjay Gupta, Dr Gordon Williams (Past president of British Society of Echocardiography) and our Senior Chief Technician and Head of Technical Department Ms Jane Allen (BSE Council member).

  • Jane Allen also runs a technician led valve clinic 1-2 times week.
  • The Department runs a weekly imaging MDT meeting.
  • The Department has invested in a new 64 slice CT scanner with a cardiac CT package.
  • We have plans to develop cardiac MRI scanning over next two to three years (currently available in Hull and Leeds).

Cardiac surgery

The Department enjoys close relations with both regional cardiothoracic centres (Castle Hill, Hull and Leeds General Infirmary, Leeds) we have a very close liaison with Cardiac Surgeons Mr Alex Cale and Mr Mobi Choudrey from Castle Hill who run joint cardiology / CT clinics once a week in York and take part in our monthly joint MDT meeting.

Cardiology on call (York)

There is a 24/7 consultant cardiology on call rota including daytime 9.00am to 5.00pm (on call for acute inpatient referrals) and overnight consultant cardiology (non resident) on call for CCU and the whole hospital.


The department is involved in teaching Hull York Medical School (HYMS) students as well as regular teaching of all cardiology junior staff.

York Hospital's car park.

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