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Laboratory Medicine

Laboratory Medicine (also known as Pathology) is the study of the nature of disease and its causes, development, processes and consequences. 

Scarborough, Hull, York Pathology Service (SHYPS)

SHYPS combines the pathology services of York and Scarborough Teaching Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust (YSTHFT) and Hull University Teaching Hospitals Trust (HUTH)in a collaborative joint venture.

SHYPS is a clinically led pathology network that incorporates a range of laboratory disciplines across 4 acute hospital sites: Hull Royal Infirmary (HRI), Castle Hill Hospital (CHH), York Hospital (YH) and Scarborough Hospital (SH).  SHYPS also covers numerous communities, specialist, and primary care facilities across a wide geography.

The expectation is that users of the service should see no significant difference in the level of service provided irrespective as to whether samples are sent to York or Scarborough for processing.  The service is divided into a number of specialist departments:

  • Clinical Biochemistry 
  • Haematology, Blood Transfusion
  • Immunology
  • Microbiology and Serology
  • Histology, Diagnostic Cytology, and the Mortuary
  • Point of Care Testing (POCT)


 Web Page 1: Reviewed 07/06/2023

General Information

Information for Patients, Hospital Doctors, GPs, Healthcare Professionals and any other party who may wish to use the York & Scarborough Laboratories.

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Clinical Biochemistry

Clinical Biochemistry provides a 24-hour, 7 day per week high quality service to assist in the rapid diagnosis of disease. Testing undertaken includes routine biochemistry, endocrinology, and specific protein analysis. A consultant led advisory service is also in operation. The Clinical Biochemistry department operates on the York and Scarborough sites working in partnership with Hull. We are able to measure over a hundred analytes in our laboratories and we can also arrange for specimens to be sent to other laboratories for measurements of analytes not performed on site.

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Point of Care Testing (POCT)

POCT operates as a section of Clinical Biochemistry but takes advice from other departments, as appropriate, to provide a comprehensive POCT service. The POCT team provides training and support for users on the York, Scarborough and Bridlington Hospital sites and also satellite units such as Easingwold and the community. The team covers all POCT, ranging from dipsticks to sophisticated analytical instruments.

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The Haematology department provides a high quality diagnostic service and is committed to achieving and maintaining the highest possible standards, delivering a 24 hour, 7 day per week comprehensive consultative and diagnostic service throughout the Trust and beyond. Haematology operates on both the York and Scarborough sites.

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Blood Transfusion

The Blood Transfusion department provides blood products for use in clinical emergencies and routine procedures over a 24 hour period, 7 days a week. Blood Transfusion Departments operate on both the York and Scarborough sites.

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The Immunology service is provided by SHYPS at the Hull site. We have a comprehensive repertoire of tests available and we can also arrange for specimens to be sent to other laboratories for measurements not performed by SHYPS.

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Microbiology and Serology

The department of Microbiology offers a high quality, 24-hour interpretative diagnostic Microbiology service to local hospitals and the community. As well as routine bacteriological culture, the department offers serological testing, liquid mycobacterial culture and rapid molecular detection techniques for the diagnosis of chlamydia. The department works in collaboration with the HPA and regional CCDCs to contribute to epidemiological surveillance and public health medicine. The Microbiology department operates on both the York and Scarborough sites.

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Histology provides a high quality diagnostic pathology service to York Teaching Hospital NHS Foundation Trust and the wider community. Investigations undertaken to achieve this include routine histological techniques and a wide range of special staining methods, while rapid diagnosis is available through the utilisation of frozen section techniques. In Immunohistochemistry, a comprehensive repertoire of antibodies is used to identify tissue antigen sites as an aid to diagnosis, particularly in cancer.

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Diagnostic Cytology & Andrology

The Non-Gynae Cytology and Andrology department provide a high quality diagnostic service in both Non-Gynaecological Cytology and Seminal fluid analysis, within York Teaching Hospital NHS Foundation Trust. The NHS Cervical Screening Programme samples are now sent to the Queen Elizabeth Hospital in Gateshead for screening and reporting.

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The York Teaching Hospital Mortuary provides a high quality mortuary service to patients who die either in hospital or in the community and to their bereaved family and friends on both the York and Scarborough site. Scarborough Hospital is licensed with the Human Tissue Authority as a satellite location under the York Trust license. The Mortuary service ensures respect, dignity and sensitivity in handling the deceased and in playing a vital role in supporting bereaved families whilst also ensuring strict health and safety guidelines are followed.

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