Laboratory Medicine
General Information / User Feedback
Our ultimate objective is to be trusted to deliver safe, effective healthcare to our community. We value your opinion as it will help us to develop a service that meets your expectations.
Patients: please use the specific links below for specific enquiries:
Health Care Professionals: Please Click Here to access the form to comment on any aspect of our services, whether good or bad; for example, experiences with routine blood testing, provision of online information for patients and healthcare professionals, telephone assistance or handling of concerns.
Please address all correspondence to a member of the Laboratory Medicine Quality Management Team:
Your feedback will be reviewed and acknowledgement provided (including follow up advice as appropriate). Thank you for your participation. Your feedback is crucial in informing how we plan and deliver our service.
Web Page 25 last updated: 04/07/23
Advice for Requesters - Cervical Cytology
How to Send Samples to the Lab
Advice for Requestors - Immunology
Advice for Requesters- Microbiology
Guidance on test interpretation- Clinical Biochemistry
Transportation of Samples and Postage
High Risk/Danger of Infection Samples
Request form and specimen labelling