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Laboratory Medicine

Test Directory / Microalbumin /Creatinine Ratio

Microalbumin /Creatinine Ratio

Urine monovette or white topped universal (no additives)

TestMicroalbumin /Creatinine Ratio
Common AbbreviationsUrine albumin, ACR, UMIC
Tube typeUrine monovette or white topped universal (no additives)
Clinical IndicationIncreased urinary albumin loss is considered a clinically important indicator of deteriorating renal function and is valuable for monitoring diabetic patients.
Specimen TypeUrine - early morning, mid-stream urine preferred
Sample typeUrine
Minimum Volume1mL
Special PrecautionsNo special requirements
Stability7 days at 15-25°C and 1 month at 2-8°c
Turnaround TimeInpatient: 6 hours Outpatient/ GP: 24 hours
LaboratoryYork and Scarborough
Reference Interval<3.0mg/mmol
LimitationsExtremely turbid samples are unsuitable for analysis. Samples with albumin concentrations >20,000mg/L can generate false low results due to excess antigen in the sample.
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Maternity access at York Hospital - Saturday 22 February

On Saturday 22 February, 8am-6pm, there will be a temporary change of vehicle access to the maternity unit at York Hospital. Access via entrance 2 will be closed to allow essential works to be completed. 

If you are attending the maternity unit at York on this day, please drive in via the entrance for A&E (marked blue light priority).

The multi-storey car park will not be affected by this change, and any non-urgent visitors should continue to park in this area.