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Laboratory Medicine

Test Directory / Urine Phosphate

Urine Phosphate

24 hour container (with or without additives), urine monovette or white topped universal (without additives)

TestUrine Phosphate
Common AbbreviationsUPHO
Tube type24 hour container (with or without additives), urine monovette or white topped universal (without additives)
Clinical IndicationUrinary phosphate analysis is useful in the differential diagnosis of hyper and hypophosphatemia and in the diagnosis and monitoring of renal calculi. The calculation of the renal tubular reabsorption of phosphate (TmP/GFR) can be useful in identifying a need for replacement, monitor recovery of tubules following damage, monitoring response to growth hormone replacement, oncogenic osteomalacia and help diagnosis of some rare tubular diseases ie X-linked hypophosphatemia rickets.
Specimen TypeUrine
Sample typeAcidified or Plain 24 hour urine or Plain Random Urine
Minimum Volume1mL
Special PrecautionsNo special requirements
StabilityPlain (unacidified) urine: 48 hours at 15 - 25°C and at least 48 hours at 4°C Acidified urine: At least 6 months at 4°C
Turnaround TimeInpatient: 6 hours Outpatient/ GP: 24 hours
LaboratoryYork and Scarborough
Reference Interval15 -50mmol/24 hours (Recommended by the Pathology Harmonisation Reference Group)
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