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Nutrition and dietetics department

York Teaching Hospital NHS Foundation Trust Nutrition and Dietetic Department employs registered dietitians and support staff. We provide clinical care to patients of all ages in a variety of settings both in hospitals and the community. Nutrition and dietetic care is provided Monday to Friday in a variety of ways. This includes individual one to one consultations, telephone reviews, group education and we also give support to help people and their families deal with their conditions.

The department also provides specialist advice to other professionals, both clinical and non clinical, on the dietetic needs of patients. We provide support to catering and nursing staff in the provision of good nutrition in our hospitals, and ensure that the Trust meets the national standards for nutrition. 

We contribute to multidisciplinary teams and offer patients, relatives and carers advice and training when needed. The department also has a commitment to clinical placements for student dietitians. We are also actively involved in clinical research and regularly audit various aspects of our service and patient care against national standards.

As registered dietitians, we hold the only legally recognised graduate qualification in Nutrition and Dietetics and are therefore the only qualified health professionals that can assess, diagnose and treat dietary and nutritional problems. We are registered with the Health and Care Professions Council. This means that patients are assured of quality and safety in practice.

You can find out more about the work of dietitians with the British Dietetic Association.

Click on the links below to find out more about:

Contact details

York Hospital

Phone: 01904 725269 

Our office hours are Monday - Friday 9.00am to 5.00pm

Scarborough Hospital

Phone: 01723 342415 

Our office hours are Monday - Friday 9.00am to 5.00pm

For all email enquiries contact

Contact nutrition and dietetics:

York Hospital: 01904 725269

Scarborough Hospital: 01723 342415

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