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Orthodontics is a specialised branch of dentistry. Orthodontic treatment is the process of moving teeth in order to improve the bite and appearance of the teeth. it can also help maintain the long-term health of the teeth and gums in some situations.

Orthodontic treatment is generally carried out on referral from your dentist and can be conducted either at a 'high street' orthodontist (primary care) or at the hospital orthodontic department (secondary care). Most orthodontic problems can be treated in primary care, but some more complex problems, such as severe jaw mal-alignment, may be referred to the hospital for treatment under the care of a consultant orthodontist. 

More information on orthodontics is on the NHS website.

The orthodontic department

The department is located in Head and Neck Outpatients (Junction 1a) at York Hospital and in Main Outpatients at Scarborough Hospital.

Our Trust works in collaboration with Harrogate and District Foundation Trust to provide services at Harrogate, York, and Scarborough hospitals.  There are two consultant orthodontists working across the sites:

Mr T Mittal York and Scarborough
Dr J Rae York and Harrogate

This team is supported by a number of other clinicians, including general dentists, orthodontic therapists, specialist orthodontists, and specialist nurses. The department at York is also involved in training orthodontic registrars, who may be involved in your treatment.

Contact us

Jane Russell, Orthodontic Secretary: 01904 725614
Head and Neck Reception: 01904 726400

What to expect from your appointment

When you're referred to the orthodontic department, you will undergo a full examination of your teeth. During this process, you may need to have an x-ray. If treatment is indicated, you will be booked on to the records clinic to have moulds (impressions) and clinical photographs taken of your teeth. This helps develop a treatment plan, which will be fully discussed with you, usually at a separate appointment.

Depending on individual circumstances, you may need to see other members of the team, such as the restorative, oral surgery, or oral and maxillofacial surgery departments, to help with your treatment.

The length of your treatment will vary, depending on the severity of the problem, and can take anywhere from a few months to a few years.

It is usually necessary to adjust braces with regular appointments approximately every eight weeks.

See this page for information on taking care of your teeth during and after treatment.

Orthodontic and Surgical Patient Experience Survey

We are currently carrying out an Orthodontic and Surgical Patient Experience Survey to improve the quality of care we provide to our patients. Access the orthodontic and surgical patient experience survey via this link.

Orthodontic and Surgical Patient Experience Survey

If you have been invited to take part in this survey please follow this link.

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Getting help with travel costs

Did you know you may be able to get help with public transport travel costs to your hospital appointments?
Speak to a member of staff or visit the travel page for more information.