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Bridlington Hospital orthopaedics

Our orthopaedic unit based at Bridlington Hospital is a specialist, dedicated unit for planned orthopaedic surgery only. All of our planned orthopaedic surgery on the Yorkshire coast is done here.

We also have two fracture clinics a week and a number of different orthopaedic outpatient clinics. 

Kent Ward

Our newly refurbished Kent ward provides fresh, modern accommodation in single rooms or small single-sex bays. There is a comfortable day room and a dining room.

As a specialist orthopaedic elective unit and the quality of the treatment we offer is exceptional and among the highest in the country. **Our cancellation rates for non-clinical reasons are very low.

Much of the surgery is done on a day case basis and patients go home on the day of their surgery. If you are having major surgery to your hip or your knee you may take a couple of days to recover.

Our patients follow an enhanced recovery programme, which allows them to recover earlier from their surgery and to get home as quickly as possible.

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Getting help with travel costs

Did you know you may be able to get help with public transport travel costs to your hospital appointments?
Speak to a member of staff or visit the travel page for more information.