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Scarborough Hull York Pathology Services (SHYPS)

From the 1 November 2021, the pathology services operated by the York and Scarborough Teaching Hospital Foundation Trust (YSTHFT) and Hull Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust (HUTH) will be forming a new network Pathology service - Scarborough Hull York Pathology Service (also known as SHYPS).

The vision for the network is to provide an efficient and sustainable pathology service that meets the needs our local community.  SHYPS is patient-focused and recognises the absolute requirement to provide a high quality analytical service supplemented by sound clinical advice.  To us every sample is a precious sample.  Our Pathology service is exactly that - a service.  We are committed to not only delivery a high quality service but making the network a rewarding place to work.

With the formation of SHYPS we are privileged to have an excellent team of dedicated individuals. All the hard work produced by the network is backed up by a diverse team of staff, covering many bands, grades and specialisms all of whom continue to display their resilience and professionalism on a daily basis.

There are two acute trusts covered by the service

Hull University Teaching Hospital NHS Trust (HUTH) clinical portfolio is comprehensive, covering the major medical and surgical specialties, routine and specialist diagnostic services and other clinical support services.  These services are provided primarily to a catchment population of approximately 600,000 in the Hull and East Riding of Yorkshire area and operates from two main sites - Hull Royal Infirmary and Castle Hill Hospital – whilst delivering a number of outpatient services from locations across the local health economy area.  HUTH provides specialist and tertiary services to a catchment population of between 1.05 million and 1.25 million extending from Scarborough in North Yorkshire to Grimsby and Scunthorpe in North East and North Lincolnshire respectively.

York Scarborough Teaching Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust (YSTHFT) provides a comprehensive range of acute hospital services. In July 2012 YTHFT acquired Scarborough and North East Yorkshire Healthcare NHS Trust, bringing Scarborough and Bridlington Hospitals into the organisation.  It serves approximately 800,000 people living in and around York, North Yorkshire, North East Yorkshire and Ryedale – a mixed urban and rural population across 3,400 square miles.

Scarborough Hull York Pathology Services (SHYPS)

SHYPS will continue to provide extensive pathology services, providing over 26 million tests per annum.  A number of specialised pathology services are provided including neuropathology, virology and immunology. 

SHYPS will continue to operate under the stringent requirements of BS EN ISO 15189:2012 standards: Medical laboratories- requirements for quality and competence through United Kingdom Accreditation Service (UKAS) and other regulatory and accreditation standards applicable for pathology laboratories.

Regardless of where you are based, the impact for yourselves will be minimal.  You will continue to send samples using the same method, to the same locations; reports will be received via the same processes, and how you obtain clinical advice will not change. SHYPS will deliver the same high quality pathology service, you are used to.

Scarborough Hull York Pathology Services (SHYPS) will provide extensive pathology services, providing over 26 million tests per annum

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