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Our services

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The pharmacy departments at York and Scarborough hospitals employ over 180 staff members, providing comprehensive services and support to patients, wards, clinics and departments within the Trust, as well as several community hospitals and units in the locality.

Click here to access more information about the pharmacy department and the services provided across both sites.

Contact us

If you have a question or query about your medicines you should contact the pharmacy your prescription was supplied from.

You can contact the appropriate Pharmacy reception by using the numbers below; our trained staff will transfer you to an appropriate member of the pharmacy team.

  • York Hospital Pharmacy Reception: 01904 725736
  • Scarborough Hospital Pharmacy Reception: 01723 342448
  • Lloyds Pharmacy Reception: 01904 721991

Prescription payments

If you have received a hospital outpatient prescription and have received a prescription payment reminder, you can access the online payment portal here.


Services are provided at:

  • York Hospital Pharmacy Department and Lloyds Pharmacy, both can be found via the main entrance to York Hospital, on the ground floor.
  • Scarborough Pharmacy Department, which can be found via the south entrance to the hospital, on the first floor.

Information about your medicines

We understand that coming into hospital or attending an appointment can be daunting and, once you get home, it may be difficult to remember important information about your medicines.

If you have a question about your medicines or need further information about a medicine following a recent outpatient appointment or stay in hospital, please contact the pharmacy medicines information team by calling 01904 725960.

The medicines information team is available Monday to Friday between 9am and 4:30pm.

Find more information about your medical conditions or the medicines you are prescribed here.

Help us to help you: bringing your medicines to hospital

If you come to hospital for an appointment, a planned procedure, or even unexpectedly, you should always bring any medicines you're currently taking with you.

Bringing all of your current medicines with you helps the staff looking after you get the most accurate and up-to-date picture of your current medication regime. It also helps you stay in control of your own medicines and medical conditions and saves wasting valuable resources.

For more information on why it's so important to bring your medicines with you to hospital, please click here.

cartoon medicines pictured walking in the direction of a sign that says 'to hospital'

Please bring your medicines into hospital with you on admission. This will enable our pharmacy team to carry out a full review of your medicines during your stay.

Two female receptionists on the phone at a desk smiling


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Getting help with travel costs

Did you know you may be able to get help with public transport travel costs to your hospital appointments?
Speak to a member of staff or visit the travel page for more information.