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Rheumatology appointments during Covid-19

I am already a patient under the care of rheumatology, what will happen to my appointment?

Patients are being seen face-to-face and please do attend your appointment if one is sent to you. If you feel you cannot keep this appointment, please cancel according to the guidelines on your letter.

You must not attend or if you have any Covid-19 symptoms (including high temperature, new continuous cough or loss of sense of taste/smell) OR someone in your household has been unwell within the past 10 days.

If you are struggling with your condition, please contact the helpline. Please leave one message only.

York and Selby Hospital patients: 01904 721854 or via email on

Scarborough, Bridlington, and Malton Hospitals: 01723 385058

I have a new appointment for rheumatology, what will happen to my appointment?

New patient referrals will be assessed by a clinician. You may be contacted by telephone initially. If deemed necessary, a face-to-face appointment will be made for you.

I have been referred to rheumatology but have not yet received an appointment, what will happen?

If your appointment is urgent, your referral will be reviewed by a clinician to assess how soon you need to be seen.
You may be contacted by phone to discuss your referral.

We are currently accepting routine referrals from GP practices but the waiting list times have increased during the pandemic. Appointments will be allocated depending on how urgent your referral is and medical priority.

I have an appointment for blood monitoring - should I still attend?

We advise patients to continue their medication and continue to attend blood monitoring. We cannot continue your medication safely without monitoring. We would advise that blood monitoring should ideally be taken at the GP or one of the non-acute hospitals (Selby, Malton and Bridlington). Asda in York is now closed for blood tests. Please check the hospital website to check sites open for blood monitoring.

You must not attend or if you are feeling unwell or someone in your household has been unwell

I have an appointment for an infusion at the day unit - should I still attend?

The Medical Elective Suite (MES) is currently based at Peppermill Court.
The Bronte and Lawrence units will continue running at Scarborough and Bridlington.
There will be some disruption to the day unit. We are offering infusions and injections for urgent cases. Some routine biologic and osteoporosis treatments may be postponed.
The unit will contact you if your appointment has been cancelled or has been moved.
We will use infection control measures in the day unit to minimise the risk of infection.

You must not attend or if you have any Covid symptoms (including high temperature, new continuous cough or loss of sense of taste/smell) OR someone in your household has been unwell within the past 10 days.

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Getting help with travel costs

Did you know you may be able to get help with public transport travel costs to your hospital appointments?
Speak to a member of staff or visit the travel page for more information.