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Theatres and Post Anaesthetic Care Unit (PACU)

We have operating theatres at York, Scarborough and Bridlington Hospitals providing inpatient and day case surgery.

We perform many different types of operations in our inpatient and day surgery theatres covering the following specialities:

  • Orthopaedics and Trauma
  • Gynaecology and Urology
  • Head and Neck
  • General Surgery
  • Ophthalmology

All specialities are supported by the operating departments practitioner, anaesthetic nurse team and the post anaesthetic care unit team, working closely with surgeons and anaesthetists to meet our patients’ needs.

The Teams

Each speciality is split into teams with a team leader and deputy, registered nurses, operating department practitioners, and healthcare assistants. Our teams are supported by a clinical education team specialising in theatres and PACU.

There are two theatre and PACU leads, Lindsay Truscott (York) and Di Watkin (Scarborough and Bridlington).

The support team includes operating department orderlies, dedicated stores personnel, housekeepers and admin staff.

York Hospital

At York Hospital there are 18 operating theatres situated in the main theatre suite and on the Day Unit. 

Ophthalmic Surgery is performed in two dedicated ophthalmic theatres which are situated in the Eye Department.

Scarborough Hospital

There are five theatres at Scarborough Hospital situated on the main first floor corridor.

Bridlington Hospital

There are two theatres at Bridlington Hospital, situated on the first floor corridor, and development is currently taking place to move planned orthopaedic surgery from Scarborough Hospital to Bridlington.  


Read about our anaesthetics services here.

Having an operation?

You can read more about having an operation on the NHS Choices website.

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Getting help with travel costs

Did you know you may be able to get help with public transport travel costs to your hospital appointments?
Speak to a member of staff or visit the travel page for more information.