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Our services

In this section

Useful contacts

Obstetrics and Gynaecology

  • Gynaecology appointments: 01904 725561
  • Gynaecology Reception: 01904 721551
  • Colposcopy appointments: 01904 726705
  • Colposcopy Reception: 01904 721551

Administration support


Consultants/Specialist nurses


Secretary's contact number

Miss Merrick
Miss Radhakrishnan
Mr Hughes
Miss Haylock

Wendy Bradbury

01904 725111

Miss Dean

Miss Edwards

Miss Buditi

Josie Sellers

01904 726553

Miss Sanaullah

Mr Brewer

Mr Wilson

Mrs Hayden

Mr Broadhead

Yvonne Cross

01904 721682

Mr Adekanmi

Miss Oxby

Miss Tang

Mr Walker

Sarah York

Jo Ward

01904 725582

Miss Ghosh

Miss Johnson

Miss Fahel

Dr Falconer

Tanya Harper

01904 725549

Ailsa Atkinson

Hollins Esegba

01904 725011

Obstetrics and Gynaecology waiting list services

  • Waiting list services for Mr Brewer, Miss Oxby, Mr Jibodu and Dr Falconer: 01904 725706
  • Waiting list services for Mr Adekanmi and Miss Dean: 01904 725132
  • Waiting list services for Miss Ghosh, Miss Fahel and Miss Sanaullah: 01904 725708

Antenatal day services

  • Antenatal day unit reception: 01904 722556
  • Antenatal appointments: 01904 725666

Early pregnancy unit

  • Early pregnancy reception: 01904 726489

Maternity ward services

  • G2 ward clerk: 01904 726002
  • G3 ward clerk: 01904 726722
  • Labour Ward, ward clerk: 01904 726310
  • Maternity triage: 01904 725924

Service manager

If you have any concerns regarding the service you have received please do not hesitate to contact Steven Clark on 01904 725582

Looking down a long bright hospital corridor with treatment rooms on the left and windows on the right. At the bottom of the corridor is one member of staff in a blue nursing uniform

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Maternity access at York Hospital - Saturday 22 February

On Saturday 22 February, 8am-6pm, there will be a temporary change of vehicle access to the maternity unit at York Hospital. Access via entrance 2 will be closed to allow essential works to be completed. 

If you are attending the maternity unit at York on this day, please drive in via the entrance for A&E (marked blue light priority).

The multi-storey car park will not be affected by this change, and any non-urgent visitors should continue to park in this area.