Site map
- Home
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- The Good Business Charter
- NHS Constitution
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- Board of Directors
- Council of Governors
- Publications
- Our Performance
- Patient Safety
- Information Governance
- Data opt out
- Declaring conflicts of interest
- Freedom of Information
- Patient record requests
- Privacy notices
- Car parking privacy notice
- CCTV and Body Worn Camera privacy notice
- Children and adults safeguarding privacy notice
- Children and young people's privacy notice
- Complaints privacy notice
- Foundation Trust Members privacy notice
- LAMP testing privacy notice
- Musculoskeletal Health privacy notice
- OPTICA Acute FDP Product privacy notice
- Out of hours GP service privacy notice
- Patient COVID-19 appendix (supplementary privacy note on COVID-19 for patients)
- Patient experience privacy notice
- Patient privacy notice
- Predispose HEME privacy notice
- Recruitment privacy notice
- Scarborough Hull York Pathology Service (SHYPS) privacy notice
- Sexual Health Service privacy notice
- Staff privacy notice
- Staff vaccination privacy notice
- Volunteer privacy notice
- Work experience privacy notice
- York Hull Cystic Fibrosis Partnership privacy notice
- York Unpaid Carers Consultation privacy notice
- Yorkshire & Humber Care Record privacy notice
- Equality and Diversity
- Online payments
- Our hospitals
- Our services
- A-Z of services
- Breast unit
- Acute Medicine
- Anaesthetics
- Colorectal cancer
- Andrology
- Abdominal Wall Reconstruction
- Audiology
- Balance centre
- Bereavement Services
- Blood Taking Service (Phlebotomy)
- Blood Transfusion
- Breast Screening Service
- Cancer Care
- Skin Cancer
- Relaxation audio
- Living with cancer DVD
- Prehabilitation clinic
- How we support you
- Urological Cancer
- Gynaecological Cancer
- Malignancy of Unknown Origin (MUO)
- Upper Gastro-intestinal cancers
- Lung Cancer
- Head and Neck Cancer
- Haematological cancer
- Family Support Work
- Breast Cancer
- Useful Links
- Health and Wellbeing
- Cardiac rehabilitation
- Cardiology
- Care of Older People
- Chaplaincy
- Chemotherapy services
- Child Health
- Clinical Haematology
- Colposcopy
- Community Response Teams
- Community Services
- Community Stroke Discharge Team
- Community Nursing
- Continence Service
- Coronary Care
- Critical Care
- Cystic Fibrosis
- Restorative dentistry
- Diabetes
- Dermatology
- Diabetic Eye Screening
- Age Related Macular Degeneration
- Our Screening Service
- Your appointment
- Eye drops and driving
- Diabetes and pregnancy
- Closer monitoring for people with diabetic maculopathy
- Closer monitoring for people with pre-proliferative retinopathy
- Screening in slit lamp clinics
- Understanding my results
- What to do if you have problems after screening
- Understanding national grading results and outcomes
- Want to check when a patient is next due to be screened?
- Diabetic Eye Screening FAQ's
- What people say about our service
- Ear, Nose and Throat (ENT)
- Elective surgical admissions
- Emergency Department (ED)
- Endoscopy
- Eye department (Ophthalmology)
- Gastroenterology
- General Surgery and Urology
- Haematology/Oncology Unit
- Head and Neck Specialities
- Hepatology
- Infection Prevention and Control (IPC)
- Inflammatory bowel disease
- Laboratory Medicine
- Learning Disability Services
- Library
- Liver Services
- Maternity Services
- Maternity and Neonatal Single Improvement Plan Engagement Event registration
- Badger Notes
- New online maternity classes
- Maternity Transformation - Better Births
- Scarborough Hospital Maternity Services
- York Hospital Maternity Services
- Useful information and support groups
- Breastfeeding
- The BaBi project (Born and Bred in Yorkshire)
- Giving birth at home
- What to bring: giving birth in hospital
- Useful links
- Maxillofacial Surgery
- Medical Elective Services
- Medical Photography
- Medicine for the Elderly
- Minor Injuries Unit
- Multiple Sclerosis (MS)
- Neurosciences
- Nutrition and Dietetics
- Occupational Therapy
- Managing your energy to help with fatigue, pain or breathlessness
- Occupational Therapy at Scarborough
- Occupational Therapy at York
- Occupational Therapy for Orthopaedic Services
- Occuptional Therapy for Surgical Services
- Occupational Therapy for Pain Management
- Occupational Therapy Service for Rheumatology
- Occupational Therapy to Medicine for the Elderly services
- Occupational Therapy to the Hip Fracture Unit
- Occuptional Therapy for General Medicine Services
- Occuptional Therapy for Stroke
- Occupational Therapy for Neurosciences
- Organ Donation
- Orthodontics
- Otolaryngology (Ear, Nose and Throat)
- Orthopaedics
- Orthotics
- Pain Management
- Palliative Care
- Patient Safety
- Pathology - Scarborough Hull York Pathology Services
- Perioperative Medicine
- Pharmacy
- Psychological Medicine
- Phlebotomy (Blood Taking Service)
- Physiotherapy
- Physiotherapy at York
- Orthopaedic physiotherapy
- Physiotherapy for Cardiac Rehabilitation
- Physiotherapy for Musculoskeletal Services
- Physiotherapy for Orthopaedic Inpatients
- Physiotherapy for Pulmonary Rehabilitation
- Physiotherapy for the Amputee Service
- Physiotherapy for the General Medical Wards
- Physiotherapy for the Oncology and Palliative Care Service
- Physiotherapy for the rehabilitation hospitals
- Physiotherapy for the Renal Service
- Physiotherapy for the Surgical Wards and Intensive Care
- Pelvic health physiotherapy
- Physiotherapy Lymphoedema and Breast Cancer Service
- Physiotherapy Service Balance Centre
- Physiotherapy Service for Rheumatology
- Physiotherapy for Neurosciences
- Physiotherapy services for Stroke
- Physiotherapy to Medicine for the Elderly services
- Physiotherapy at Scarborough
- Physiotherapy for the limb amputation service
- Physiotherapy services to acute medicine for the elderly
- Physiotherapy service to the general medical wards
- Stroke physiotherapy services
- Physiotherapy in cardiac rehabilitation
- Rheumatology physiotherapy
- Physiotherapy services to the Trauma Ward
- Physiotherapy for pulmonary rehabilitation
- Physiotherapy at York
- Podiatry
- Private Patients
- Radiology
- Rapid Diagnostic Centre
- Rehabilitation Services
- Renal Medicine
- Respiratory Medicine
- Rheumatology
- Out of Hospital COVID Treatment and Eligibility
- Appointments
- Coronavirus vaccine
- Rheumatology at York
- What we do
- Who we are
- Rheumatology outpatient clinics
- What to expect when you attend the rheumatology clinic
- Rheumatology Specialist Nurse Team
- Physiotherapy
- Occupational therapy
- Podiatry
- Pharmacy
- Pregnancy and Parenthood
- What to expect when you attend the Medical Elective Suite
- Research studies
- Contact us
- Local support groups
- Resources and useful links
- Shared Care Guidelines
- Frequently Asked Questions
- Homecare Contact Details
- Rheumatology at Scarborough
- Safeguarding Adults
- Safeguarding Children
- Sexual Health
- Special Care Baby Unit
- Speech and Language Therapy
- Sterile Services
- Theatres
- Transition Coordination Service
- Trauma
- Tuberculosis (TB) Nursing Service – North Yorkshire
- Urology
- Elective surgery waiting list
- Weight Management
- Women's Unit (Scarborough Hospital)
- Women's Health
- Endometriosis Centre
- Useful contacts
- Obstetrics & Gynaecology Consultants
- The Gynaecology Specialist nursing team
- Early Pregnancy Assessment Unit (EPAU)
- Antenatal Day Services
- G3 Ward
- G2 Ward
- Antenatal screening
- Malton Maternity Unit
- Labour Ward
- Professional Midwifery Advocate (PMA)
- Gynaecology Assessment Unit (GAU)
- A-Z of services
- Coming into hospital
- Getting here
- Who’s who on the wards
- Staying active in hospital
- Leaving hospital
- Visiting
- Overseas Visitors
- Cancel or defer your surgery or procedure
- Patient information leaflets
- Anaesthetics
- Anticoagulation
- Audiology (hearing and balance)
- Bariatric (weight loss) surgery
- Bereavement Services
- Blood Transfusion
- Breast Imaging/Screening Unit
- Cancer Services
- Cardiac Rehabilitation
- Carers
- Cardiology
- Chaplaincy Services
- Clinical Biochemistry
- Community Services
- Consent
- Covid-19
- Transport and Car Parking
- Child Health
- Delirium
- Dermatology
- Diabetes
- Elderly Medicine
- Emergency Department
- End of Life Care
- Endoscopy
- Falls
- Fracture Clinic
- Gastroenterology
- Surgery
- Head and Neck
- Hepatology (Liver health)
- Infection Prevention
- Maternity
- Ophthalmology (Eye Care and Surgery)
- Orthodontics
- Orthopaedics
- Overseas Visitors
- Pain Management
- Patient Experience
- Patient Initiated Follow up (PIFU)
- Pharmacy and Medicines
- Psychological Medicine
- Physiotherapy
- Neurology/Neurophysiology
- Nutrition and Dietetics
- Radiology
- Renal
- Respiratory
- Rheumatology
- Sexual Health
- Stroke
- Syncope Clinic (York)
- Urology
- Women's Health
- Weight Management Service (York)
- Outpatients
- Getting here
- Attending Outpatients
- Attending virtual outpatient appointments
- Attend Anywhere - Acute Oncology, Scarborough
- Attend Anywhere - Acute Oncology, York
- Attend Anywhere - Audiology (Tinnitus clinic)
- Attend Anywhere - Children’s Centre, York
- Attend Anywhere - Children's Clinics, Scarborough
- Attend Anywhere - Children's Therapy Services, Scarborough, Whitby and Ryedale
- Attend Anywhere - Children's Therapy Services, York
- Attend Anywhere - Community Response and Therapy teams
- Attend Anywhere – Community Specialist Palliative Care team
- Attend Anywhere - Dermatology
- Attend Anywhere - Diabetes
- Attend Anywhere - Dietetics
- Attend Anywhere - Endocrine
- Attend Anywhere - General Surgery (Breast)
- Attend Anywhere - General Surgery (Colorectal)
- Attend Anywhere - General Surgery (Upper GI)
- Attend Anywhere - General Surgery (Urology)
- Attend Anywhere - Head and Neck
- Attend Anywhere - Hip, Knee, Foot and Ankle
- Attend Anywhere - IBS Service
- Attend Anywhere - MSK service
- Attend Anywhere - Neurology
- Attend Anywhere - Oncology, Scarborough
- Attend Anywhere - Oncology, York
- Attend Anywhere - Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery
- Attend Anywhere - Orthodontic and Restorative Dentistry
- Attend Anywhere - Pain Management Therapies
- Attend Anywhere - Palliative Medicine Outpatients, Scarborough
- Attend Anywhere - Palliative Medicine Outpatients, York
- Attend Anywhere - Pelvic Health Physiotherapy
- Attend Anywhere - Psychological Medicine
- Attend Anywhere - Rheumatology
- Attend Anywhere - Rheumatology Therapies
- Attend Anywhere - Speech and Language Therapy
- Attend Anywhere - Tier 3 Weight Management Programme
- Attend Anywhere – Tissue Viability Service
- Attend Anywhere - York Rapid Diagnostic Centre
- Text reminder service
- Waiting list review
- Patient initiated follow-up appointments
- Patients Know Best - Appointment letters online
- NHS e-Referral Service
- Cancel or change your outpatient appointment
- Work with us
- Vacancies
- Staff Benefits and Wellbeing
- Meet The Team
- Staff Shops
- Salary Sacrifice Schemes
- Staff Lottery
- Your Wellbeing
- Events
- Appreciation Station
- Discounts and Offers
- Retirement Benefits
- Accommodation
- How We Communicate With You
- Interested in becoming a partner
- Volunteering
- Work experience
- Other opportunities
- Research and Innovation
- Junior doctors changeover - starter information
- Doctors - new starter information
- News & media
- Contact
- Site map
- Translate
- Accessibility Statement
- Cookies
- Search results
- Register
- Children's Centre
- Home
- Your Child's Hospital Journey
- Our catchment area
- A hospital guide for children
- Inpatient
- Planned care
- Outpatients
- Introduction to children's therapies
- Children's community services
- Special Care Baby Unit (SCBU)
- A-Z of services
- CDC - neurodisability
- Epilepsy (York)
- Epilepsy (Scarborough)
- Enuresis Service
- Health Visiting Team (York)
- York Children and Young People’s Diabetes Service
- Scarborough Children and Young Person’s Diabetes Service
- Peadiatric Allergy Service
- Peadiatric Oncology
- Palliative Care
- Young Person's Clinic (Adolescent)
- York Hospital
- Scarborough Hospital
- Meet the Teams
- Safeguarding
- Fundraising
- Cookies
- Sitemap
- Remote access link
- Form data login
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- Andrology
- Building for the Future