Staff Lottery Rules
How to save the Staff Benefits and Wellbeing section to your home screen
iPad or iPhone
- Launch “Safari” app.
- Enter into the address field the URL of the website you want to create a shortcut to. Tap “Go.”
- Tap the icon featuring a right-pointing arrow coming out of a box along the top of the Safari window to open a drop-down menu.
- Tap “Add to Home Screen.” The Add to Home dialog box will appear, with the icon that will be used for this website on the left side of the dialog box.
- Enter the name for the shortcut using the on-screen keyboard and tap “Add.” Safari will close automatically and you will be taken to where the icon is located on your iPad’s desktop.
- Launch “Chrome” app.
- Open this link.
- Tap the menu icon (3 dots in upper right-hand corner) and tap Add to homescreen.
- You’ll be able to enter a name for the shortcut and then Chrome will add it to your home screen.
Terms and Conditions of the Staff Lottery:
1. |
The lottery is run as a small society lottery under the terms of the Gambling Act 2005.The Trust through appropriate mechanisms regulates the conduct of the Lottery.
2. |
Entry to the Lottery is limited to the members of staff employed by the York Teaching Hospital NHS Foundation Trust & York Teaching Hospitals Facilities Management who are aged 18 and over. Membership is not transferable to any other person.
3. |
Payment of entry fees can only be made by a direct deduction from salary.
4. |
No prize shall be paid or delivered by the promoters to any person other than the person to whom the winning number was allocated. Any prize that is not claimed within 6 months of the draw will be returned to the lottery funds.
5. |
Members may join or leave the scheme at any time. Memberships will be initiated by completing an application form; including a signed authority to deduct the appropriate amount from salary. Joining can also be done online via the Staff Benefits website. Memberships can be cancelled by notification to the promoter, or on ceasing to be employed by the Trust.
6. |
Draws will be held monthly on the third Tuesday of each month. Two members of staff from the lottery administration team will undertake each draw in the presence of an independent witness. Each Draw will be performed by a random number generator.
7. |
At each draw the appropriate number of winning numbers will be drawn and allocated to the prizes available in descending order of prize value. No number will be eligible for more than one prize in each monthly draw.
8. |
Prize money will only be paid in the form of a bank transfer in the name of the person to whom the winning number was allocated upon completion of a faster payment form.
9. |
If any subscription is not received on the date, it falls due, the relevant number will be immediately suspended from the draw until subscriptions recommence. After three months numbers will be withdrawn, and you will need to reapply.
10. |
All winners will be notified by either email or letter.
11. |
The whole proceeds after deduction of relevant expenses, will be devoted to: a) The provision of prizes b) Staff Benefits in the Trust
12. |
The value of prizes will be maintained as close to 50% of annual takings as is possible
13. |
Entries will cost £2 per number per month. Members may purchase up to 10 numbers per month.
14. |
The Promoter may vary the entry fee at any time if they notify the members at least one month in advance and that the value of prizes is maintained as close to 50% of annual taking as is possible
15. |
All lottery entry fees are final, and no refund will be made at any time. All members acknowledge that their payment of £2.00 per number does not guarantee that they will win any prize.
16. |
In the event of a dispute about the interpretation of the rules or conduct of the draw, the decision of the Trust shall be final.
17. |
The promoter reserves the right to amend these rules at any time and will publish the amended rules.
Promoter: Staff Benefits, York and Scarborough Teaching Hospital NHS Foundation Trust
Date: 14th March 2023

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