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League of Friends

Each of our hospitals is supported by a League of Friends, these are independent registered charities which work to help provide equipment and resources to improve patient care and comfort along with volunteers.

They work closely with our own hospital charity to provide items above what the NHS can provide – these range from small items such as face cloths and comfort pack to larger pieces of equipment and refurbishments.

Each charity is run by a committee of trustees who meets regularly to discuss requests for financial help and hold fundraising events.

Find out more or to get involved with your local League of Friends see the information below.

York Hospital

Friends of York Hospitals (Registered Incorporated Organisation 1183252), was founded in 1953 and is rooted in the local community.  The charity has two main roles: 

  • They provide hospital volunteers who help support patients and staff at York Hospital, St Helen's and White Cross Court.

  • They raise money to buy specialist equipment for the benefit of patients and their families with the hospitals.

For more information visit their website, send an email or call 01904 726762.

Scarborough Hospital

Scarborough Hospital's League of Friends (Registered charity no. 1069181), is run by volunteers to help make improvements for patients at Scarborough Hospital.

More information about them can be found within within the hospital, they have an information board inside the North Entrance.

St Monica's, Easingwold

Friends of St Monica’s Hospital (Registered charity no. 513694), were founded in 1969. They support the health and care services in the hospital and the area served by the surgeries at Tollerton, Easingwold, Stillington, Ampleforth and Hovingham with the purchase of equipment and services that cannot be funded by the NHS.

For more information about their work, visit their website, send an email or call 01347 821849.

Malton Hospital

The League of Friends has been successfully operating since 1977 for the benefit of Malton Hospital and patients and families.

Its aims are :

  • To encourage interest in the work of Malton Hospital
  • To raise funds for Malton Hospital through fundraising
  • To provide any other objects or equipment found necessary from time to time for staff, patients and families

For more information about their work visit their charity shop at 11-13 Newbiggin, Malton YO17 7JE, send an email or call 01653 698183.

Bridlington Hospital

Founded in 1953 the aim of the Bridlington Hospital League of Friends is to improve patient care and comfort.

Over recent years the Bridlington Hospital League of Friends has invested over £12,000 in the development of Bridlington Hospital helping make life more comfortable for patients.

From repairing a historic stained glass window in the chapel to providing £9,000 of new chairs for the Outpatients Department the Friend’s support of the hospital has been invaluable – helping improve the experience for staff, visitors and patients.

For further details about upcoming fundraising events or to contact the Friends please contact Rebekah Walkington, Hospital Secretary.

Selby Hospital

Selby Hospital is very fortunate to have the active support of The Friends of Selby War Memorial Hospital, who provide volunteer support and coordinate fundraising in the community for the benefit of the patients.

The Friends of Selby War Memorial Hospital can be contacted by calling 01904 724306.

Internal hospital signage with arrows to Main Reception, Outpatients and Pharmacy

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