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Diabetes in Pregnancy – First Line Dietary Advice

Information for patients, relatives and carers

Diet and Non Alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease (NAFLD)

Information for patients, relatives and carers

Dietary Advice Following Oesophageal Stent

Information for patients, relatives and carers

Dietary Advice Following Osteotomy or Fractured Jaw

Information for patients, relatives and carers

Dietary Advice to Help Prevent Recurrence of Kidney Stones

Information for patients, relatives and carers

Enhanced Recovery Pre-Operative Carbohydrate Drinks

Information for patients, relatives and carers

Fibre content of Fruits & Vegetables

Information for patients, relatives and carers

Food Diary

Information for patients, relatives and carers

Healthy Eating for Diabetes in Pregnancy

Information for patients, relatives and carers

Helping to control your blood pressure

Information for patients, relatives and carers

High Protein High Calorie Snack List

Ideas for foods that can be brought into hospital for patients requiring a high protein, high calorie diet

IDDSI Level 4 Puree Diet

Information for patients, relatives and carers

IDDSI Level 5 Minced Moist

Information for patients, relatives and carers

Low Fat Diet

Information for patients, relatives and carers

Low Residue Diet

Information for patients, relatives and carers

Neutropenia and diet for inpatients

For more information, please contact, Department of Nutrition and Dietetics

Osteotomy diet sheet

Information for patients, relatives and carers

Reducing your salt intake

Cutting down the amount of salt you eat can help manage several medical conditions. Here are some tips to help you do this.

Looking down a long bright hospital corridor with treatment rooms on the left and windows on the right. At the bottom of the corridor is one member of staff in a blue nursing uniform

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Information for visitors

Norovirus is highly infectious and can spread easily

Please do not visit our hospitals if you or a member of your household has had nausea, diarrhoea, or vomiting within the last 48 hours. This is to prevent the spread of norovirus in our hospitals.

See more information on norovirus