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Patient record requests

How to access your records

Under the Data Protection legislation you have a right to access your medical records (these are known as subject access requests).

If you wish to access your records or have copies supplied, you can apply either by writing, emailing, telephoning or by downloading the application form: accessing your health records - guidance for patients.

To access record from York, Scarborough, Bridlington and Malton hospitals, write to:

Subject Access Team
Health Records Department
York Hospital
Wigginton Road
YO31 8HE

Call: 01904 725680

Do I need to prove who I am?

Yes. Examples of the documents we accept are copies of:

  • Birth certificates
  • Driving licences
  • Passports, marriage certificates
  • Civil partnership certificates

In case of solicitors applying for health records on your behalf, we accept a signed authority countersigned by your solicitors.

Failure to provide evidence of identification will mean we cannot process your application.

Can access be refused?

Access can be refused, or limited access applied if:

  • Your records contain information about someone else
  • If receiving the records could cause you physical or mental harm
  • If you are requesting information on behalf of someone else and there is a duty of confidence or that person has not consented to you seeing the records

How long will my application take?

Once we have received your completed application and verified your identification, we will process this, usually within one calendar month.  If it is likely the request will take longer we will contact you.

Our Subject Access teams are happy to help if you have any problems or queries in respect of making an application.

Access to case notes for deceased patients

If you wish to access health records for a patient who is deceased then these applications are made under the terms of the Access to Health Records Act 1990.  You can apply either by writing, email or telephone to the same Subject Access Team as outlined above.   Alternatively, you can download the application form applying for access to the health records of a person who has died.

You will need to provide proof of your right to access these records this can include, a copy of death certificate with either a copy of the will or grant of probate.  If no will exists and the deceased died intestate, then the closest 'next of kin' can apply, through a solicitor, for a Letter of Administration to handle the deceased’s affairs.

Requests can be refused if:

  • The records contain information about someone else
  • If receiving the records could cause you physical or mental harm
  • If it was made clear by the deceased that the records should be kept confidential
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Getting help with travel costs

Did you know you may be able to get help with public transport travel costs to your hospital appointments?
Speak to a member of staff or visit the travel page for more information.