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The Autumn Project- supporting end of life care

click here to Donate to the autumn project

One of York & Scarborough Teaching Hospitals Teaching Trusts priorities is for patients to live well and die well. The Autumn project was launched in January 2021 by the Trust to support patients at the end of life and their families. The project is being supported by York & Scarborough Hospitals Charity and is accepting donations specifically for the project.

The hospital palliative care teams are leading the project and rolling it out onto every ward within both York and Scarborough hospital.  The Autumn project will improve the quality of care for patients and their loved ones as they spend their last days together, as well as providing consistency of care across the wards. The aim of the project is to empower and equip staff with confidence so they can play their part in making a more positive experience for someone who is at the end of life.

With the patient’s or their loved ones consent an autumn leaf symbol is placed on their curtain or side room door so that everyone involved in their care can easily see that there are receiving end of life care.  The Autumn project encourages better communication, alerting healthcare teams that the patient or their loved one may need extra support at this difficult time.

End of life care is everyone’s business. We all have an important responsibility as health care workers to ensure patient wishes are met, and how the care is provided will remain in the memory of those who live on. We only have one chance to get it right.

Find out more by watching this video featuring our Palliative Care Team

click here to Donate to the autumn project

As a nurse, I know how difficult it is, but as a daughter I was amazed by the level of care you all gave my Mum and cannot thank you enough for being there for us all.

Contact Information. Email Call 01904724521. Registered Charity Number 1054527.

Looking down a long bright hospital corridor with treatment rooms on the left and windows on the right. At the bottom of the corridor is one member of staff in a blue nursing uniform

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