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How to start making a difference and fundraise for York & Scarborough Hospitals Charity.

If our challenge events seem just a little too “challenging”, there are still many other ways that you can raise money and help your local hospital.

Here are some top tips and information which might help you get started!

Top tips

  • Hobbies & interests - Our top tip is to do something that you already love doing, or use it as an opportunity to think about doing something that you've always wanted to do.
  • Keep it simple – Don’t over complicate it. It’s often better to keep your ideas simple, as this way you will have more time to focus on the fundraising itself rather than the organisation and planning.
  • Set a target – Have a fundraising target in mind and let people know it.
  • Give yourself a promotion – It’s your time to shine and never underestimate the power of word of mouth. Talk to your friends, family and colleagues and get them on board to help promote your fundraising event.

Make the most of social media to also spread the word and tell your contacts and followers about your fundraising event.

Don’t forget to

  • Tag us – Whatever you are planning to do, don’t forget to tag us with @yorkteachinghospitalcharity and #HelpYourHospital on social media platforms and share your photos with us.

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  • It’s good to give - If you are taking part in one of our events or holding your own fundraiser, we advise setting up a Just Giving page to help maximise your fundraising. You can direct people towards your Just Giving page and share it on your social media. All you have to do is sign up and then search for ‘York Teaching Hospital Charity’ then click ‘Fundraise for us’. 

Online giving with Just Giving means the donor pays online and the money is sent to the charity directly.

However, if Just Giving isn’t for you, please let us know and we can send you a paper sponsor form to complete and return. Please note however that we cannot take responsibility for any cash donations that get lost in the post. So, feel free to use this as an excuse to pop into our office and say hello when you pass over any donations!

Be legal and safe

  • Fundraising Authorisation Form - We will provide you with a Fundraising Authorisation Form which is an official document to prove that you are fundraising for York & Scarborough Hospitals Charity.
  • Procedures - Please be aware that there are certain procedures that must be followed when fundraising. These are laid down by central and local government in order to protect you, the fundraiser, and your donors. If you are unsure or have any questions at any time, then please give us a ring so we can advise you further. You can also find more information by visiting
  • Street collections - To conduct street collections, you must have a permit from the local council. Please do not partake in door-to-door collections.
  • Don’t bank on it - Personal bank accounts must never be used for the collection of charitable donations.
  • Raffles and lotteries - There are various laws and regulations which must be fully complied with. For more information, please visit
  • Risky business - If you are organising an event, it is important to carry out a risk assessment. This will help you anticipate any potential issues and how they can be avoided.
  • Gift Aid it - If you are a UK tax payer, remember to fill out a Gift Aid declaration form as this allows us to claim back 25p on every £1 donated.
  • Location, location - If you need to book a venue, check availability, capacity, sanitary facilities and parking. Please also consider if the venue is fully accessible to all. It is important to make sure that you address any concerns prior to the event.
  • Food safety – if your fundraising event involves food being supplied. Please make sure that any food comply with the Food Safety Act 1990, the Food Safety (General Food Hygiene) Regulations 1995.
  • Age appropriate - If you are under 18, please ensure that your parents or guardians are fully aware of any fundraising activities. Under 18s must not fundraise through street or house to house collections, raffles, or events involving alcohol.

Children under 16 must not be left with overall responsibility for handling money or counting collected money such as bucket collections.

Please note that York & Scarborough Hospitals Charity does not accept any responsibility or liability for your fundraising activity.

We are here to help

If you have any questions or concerns whatsoever, please do not hesitate to contact us.

We have a dedicated charity team in York and Scarborough who will help you every step of the way and provide you with promotional materials and support with your event. Please email or call 01904 724521.

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Information for visitors

Norovirus is highly infectious and can spread easily

Please do not visit our hospitals if you or a member of your household has had nausea, diarrhoea, or vomiting within the last 48 hours. This is to prevent the spread of norovirus in our hospitals.

See more information on norovirus