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Butterfly Appeal

Help create a new maternity bereavement suite at York Hospital so that families can make memories to last a lifetime.

We know there is nothing that can take away the pain for these families following a late pregnancy loss, still birth or death of their baby soon after birth, but we also know how precious those few hours or days can be before they have to say their final goodbyes.

At York Hospital, staff are grateful to have a designated room for parents to use and stay in with their baby. However, it is just a room at present. It's quite small and functional and we know it has the potential to be much better.

A large donation came from the local SANDS group in York who are passionate to see this enhanced facility become a reality and so generously donated £94,672 from their local fundraising efforts over the last year.

Your support can help raise £250,000 to create a new maternity bereavement suite which will provide a spacious, comfortable and safe space for parents. 


Why it's so important

Freya Oliver, Interim Head of Midwifery and Bev Shelley, Bereavement Midwife at York and Scarborough Teaching Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust says

“We know from talking to families who have used our existing space, how important these facilities are and that having a new maternity bereavement suite will give our families the best possible experience at one of the worst times of their lives."

Your support will help provide the 50 families a year who will sadly suffer a loss of their baby at our hospital somewhere they feel safe and cared for. The existing room near the labour ward at York Hospital will be converted and furnished to create a safe haven for the families who will sadly need to use it.

Laura and Dan's story

Laura and Dan Tinker used the existing room in 2017 following the birth of their son Arthur and you can read more about their story here

Get involved and make a difference by donating online by clicking the blue butterfly below.


Update: April 2021

We are delighted to have completed our £250,000 fundraising target! Thank you to everyone who has donated, raised money and contributed.

Work to create the suite is sadly on pause due to the Covid pandemic, we hope to share an update later in the year when we have a clearer picture of when work will be able to progress.  Any further money donated to the appeal will help to provide additional furnishings for the suite and provide support for maternity bereavement going forward.

If you would like to take part in a challenge event or host your own event to support the Butterfly Appeal, please click here.

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