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Our services

Spiritual care and Chaplaincy services

Welcome to the Chaplaincy Department at York Hospital

The Chaplaincy Team is present in our Trust to offer spiritual and pastoral support to patients, visitors and staff. We hope to accompany people of all faiths, beliefs, or none, to find strength and meaning in their experience of illness, anxiety or bereavement.

Meet the Chaplaincy team

  • Lead Chaplain Chris Hayes (see Scarborough Hospital for contact details )
  • Louise Grosberg Chaplain
  • Martin Hammond, Chaplain
  • David Tribble Chaplain (part time)
  • Kirsty Dennett Chaplain (part time)
  • A team of RC Priests are available ‘on call’ via Switchboard for urgent referrals
  • The team is also supported by a number of on call chaplains, connection with multi faith and belief partners and chaplaincy volunteer visitors.

The Chapel

The Chapel is a very peaceful space to be found near junction 5 on the main corridor. All are welcome to use this space.
There is a 'prayer tree' situated in the Chapel on which you may place a prayer request.

Referral forms are also available in the Chapel, which can be posted through the letter box in the chapel into the chaplaincy office, if you or someone you are visiting would like contact with the chaplaincy.

Prayer space/quiet space

The prayer space is adjacent to the Chapel. This can be used for prayer, quiet and reflection.

We have disposable prayer mats and prayer books available for those of the Muslim, Sikh and Baha'i faiths. There is also a portable Hindu mandir.

Muslim Friday prayers (Jummah) are held in this prayer room. Please consult the Islamic Calendar in the prayer room for details. A temporary ablution room is to be found near the lifts on junction 5.


We always welcome referrals of anyone who would appreciate support during their time in hospital.
If you would like a visit from the Chaplaincy team, or to receive Holy Communion or prayer on the wards, please let the staff know and they will contact the Chaplaincy team.

To refer someone directly to the chaplaincy department, telephone the main office or if your call is urgent, contact the main switchboard on 01904 631313, they will contact the appropriate person. If your referral relates to a patient at York Hospital please ensure that you mention 'York Hospital.' If you specifically require a Roman Catholic Priest please let switchboard know when you ring.

Download our leaflet about chaplaincy services

How to contact a chaplain

Please do not hesitate to contact us if we can be of any help at any time.

Name Telephone Email
Louise Grosberg  01904 725579 (voicemail 24 hours)

Martin  Hammond 01904 725678 (voicemail 24 hours)       

David Tribble

Kirsty Dennett

Out of hours

5pm - 9am, Monday to Friday, and Sundays
Saturday all day & Bank Holidays  - contact the on call duty Chaplain via switchboard on 01904 631313 – plus for urgent calls 24/7

To write to us:
The Chaplaincy Department
York  and Scarborough Teaching Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust
Wigginton Road
YO31 8HE


You do not have to be 'religious' to talk to a chaplain. We are committed to care for each individual and to respect all people regardless of race, religion, creed, gender or culture.

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Norovirus is highly infectious and can spread easily

Please do not visit our hospitals if you or a member of your household has had nausea, diarrhoea, or vomiting within the last 48 hours. This is to prevent the spread of norovirus in our hospitals.

See more information on norovirus