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Our services

What to do if you have problems after screening

Problems after eye screening are uncommon. If you experience a problem with your vision after screening you should contact us on 01904 726640.

In rare cases, the eye drops can cause a sudden rise in pressure in the eye. This only happens in people who are already at risk of developing this problem. When it happens it needs prompt treatment.

If you have any pain or severe discomfort in or over your eyes following your appointment, please contact your local accident and emergency department.

Hospital accident and emergency contact numbers:

  • York: 01904 726588
  • Harrogate: 01423 553300
  • Scarborough: 01723 342145
  • Northallerton: 01609 763334
  • Leeds: 01132 432799

Explain that you have had Tropicamide 1% eye drops at your retinal screening appointment and that you have pain or severe discomfort in your eyes.

Looking down a long bright hospital corridor with treatment rooms on the left and windows on the right. At the bottom of the corridor is one member of staff in a blue nursing uniform

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Information for visitors

Norovirus is highly infectious and can spread easily

Please do not visit our hospitals if you or a member of your household has had nausea, diarrhoea, or vomiting within the last 48 hours. This is to prevent the spread of norovirus in our hospitals.

See more information on norovirus